What's the chubby dude carrying in the background? A skateboard??
That's Chris Farley trying to lure the JW kid into gluttony.
by undercover 83 Replies latest jw friends
What's the chubby dude carrying in the background? A skateboard??
That's Chris Farley trying to lure the JW kid into gluttony.
It is just amazing to me that the kid in the page 14 picture would be looked at as 'bad' or 'dangerous'...I mean, this kid is doing NOTHING WRONG, even by JW standards.
I feel so sorry for JW teens. They just can't win. They are going to get into trouble no matter what, even if they are super 'good' jw kids.
This illustration seems way over my head. Please help me out here...If I put my feet up while talking on the phone, I am enjoying the "Freedom of the world"? And if I drink from a straw I am "Making the truth my own"?
This seems a bit DEEP for me.
LMAO@fugue . I'm going with the top right, sure glad the GB considers beer a food and not alcohol a drug. woohoo
"the truth" isn't capitalized. What does THAT mean?
*pokes undercover*
And how they make the word "freedom" a bad thing, something to feel guilt about...
'freedom' is something bad people have...
The guy in the suit still doesn't have any WT literature on him!
Is this a 2012 magazine or 1980 mag?
Also, I wonder how they got Jonah Hill to pose for their mag.
What's the chubby dude carrying in the background? A skateboard??
Fat kids on planks of wood with wheels is an abomination to the Lord. Cast him out of the tribe, for he will embarrass you.