Apparently the regular pioneers will be nominated by the body of elders, not Bethel. However, elders will have to send Bethel a notification when a pioneer is nominated or removed.
Regular pioneers to be nominated by BOE
by yalbmert99 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The local body of elders will approve, not nominate, regular pioneer applications.
Correct pirata, a "publisher" submits an application form and it's reviewed by the BOE
My info comes from 2 different french forums : it seems that BOE nominates them now, not only approves them.
Something must be lost in translation. Pioneer are "volunteers". not nominated. Can someone versed in French and English chime in?
breakfast of champions
Hmmm. . . sounds like the whole Pioneer Approval Deparment at Bethel might have just been "reassigned to the field"
I think this was mentioned on JWN previously..............
Yep, previously (on friends) Regular Pioneers were approved by the service committee and appointed by Bethel. Bethel would send a new Reg Pio an appointment letter. This has been simplified to regular pioneering being more like auxilary pioneering, only the approval of the BoE is now required.
This breaks the link between Bethel and regular pioneers.
Wow that's even more nuts than I realized , you have to fill out an application for pioneering ? I thought you went into the back elders room where they molested you first and volunteer ......
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Naw, molestation is just a side benefit now, not a requirement.