Back in the day, when I was an active JW I would not stick the most difficult to swallow stuff under a new person's nose.
I was disconcerted to find that the "Bible Teach" book was bluntley giving the information that Blood was to be abstained from, no info. about the new (then) fractions thingy.
I thought then that if I actually somehow was forced to conduct a study, I wouldn't do it in that book !
I think J.W's tell people to put stuff on the back-burner until later, and then the person becomes indoctrinated into beleiving they are learning the "truth" and never looks closely at the dodgy teachings from then on.
I used to justify this deception in my mind by saying "They need to build up their faith first"
Of course, it was faith in the Organization, if you can get that strong enough in a person, the teachings do not matter.
Cult ?