So sorry ((hugs))
A JWN Member just lost her Husband and She could use some encouragement.
by ohiocowboy 63 Replies latest jw friends
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Sorry to hear about your loss, Orphan Annie.
I have no words except to say I'm so sorry.
Your loss is heart breaking Orphan Annie. I hope the fond memories of your beloved husband will help you to heal quickly.
The behavior of the Witnesses in needing to rush off during your difficult time is, unfortunately, fairly common among them. It seems they do not support anyone that is not firmly part of their organization, finding reasons to ignore them instead.
Best wishes for the future, and I hope that after you recover your life is full and happy.
Orphan Annie, we are here for you. Sending prayers and condolences....
I am so sorry for your loss.
mind blown
Anne, the most important person that was there for your husband is you
mind blown
Anne, the most important person that was there for your husband is you
Orphan Annie
Thank you everyone. Ohiocowboy.... you actually helped me more than you will ever know and I am forever grateful. I don't like posting as I am a private person. In a moment of sadness and or anger, I posted that post and can't take it back. But, because of it, I met a wonderful new friend. OC, I had some stories to tell didn't I? Thanks to everyone for their kind words to me. The death of my husband has been the most horrible experience of my life. I want him back.
If anyone wants to pm me they are welcome and it may take a few days for me to reply but I promise I will. Love to you all.
Chemical Emotions
:'( I don't know you, Orphan Annie, but I'm very, very sorry for your loss.