It wouldn't take persecution. Suppose people simply quit donating money to religion, and particularly to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. All they need do is renounce whatever they willed to that greedy organization, even hiring a lawyer and putting the money into a form that the Washtowel can't touch (such as putting it into gold and silver and then giving the gold/silver to the heirs). They would donate nothing. Don't put anything of value into that box, ever. It helps if they can waste as much resources as possible--perhaps leaving the lights on and the air conditioner on full blast when leaving the building, or taking huge amounts of littera-trash and shredding it.
Another way would be to render the money they have worthless. Let land prices plummet, and cash become toilet paper. If they have most of the currency in US Toilet Papers, wait until it ceases to be the world reserve currency and China to dump huge amounts of US Treasuries onto the free market. Just hope everyone else has precious metals and hard assets when that happens, and make sure you NEVER donate gold or silver to the Washtowel (donating toilet papers is bad enough).
Without money, they will not be able to function. Then, when they ask for a bailout, remind them that "they are no part of the world". Embarrassment should result, quickly.