Question #9 of this week's "oral review" of DVD "Faith In Action"...

by Alfred 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Alfred

    This week, the Service Meeting will have an oral review of the DVD Faith In Action which was distributed in the 2010 District Assembly worldwide... As many of you probably know, the intent of this DVD is to present a "white-washed" version of the history of the Watchtower by omitting all the scandals and cover-ups...

    I no longer go to meetings, but I would have loved to raise my hand and answer question #9 which reads: "What did the Bible Students expect would happen in 1914?"

    My response would have been the following:

    Even though the Geoffrey Jackson admits that the Bible Students expected a "heavenly reward", the DVD avoids mentioning that Russell categorically predicted Armageddon would come in October of 1914. What's even worse is the fact that the narrator LIED ON TWO OCCASIONS by saying that the Bible Students expected or reasoned that Jesus would take the throne in 1914. THIS IS COMPLETELY FALSE. They DID NOT expect Jesus to take the throne in 1914 since Russell had already taught them that Jesus was already in power since 1874. In fact, it wasn't until 1929 (13 years after Russell's death) that Rutherford decided to move 1874 to 1914.

    To those who are still in...

    Please consider responding to this question... If you choose NOT to, at least please post the response that was given in your congo... please share...


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I watched this DVD with my wife this afternoon and pointed out to her these lies. In fact it was really 1943 before the 1914 date was finally established.

    CTR is also portrayed as giving all his money to the WTS. As I understand it he got shares for each $ so only he had any real control over spending.

    The split with Barbour was said to be over doctrine, the ransom. According to Barbour, Russell felt he should have been Editor rather than assistant, due to putting money into the enterprise. Russell had to be in control and that was probably why he split with W H Conley who rather unsurprisingly never gets a mention in the DVD.


  • VM44

    Geoffrey Jackson was BORN around the year 1955, 41 years AFTER 1914, so how would he know what the Bible Students were thinking at that time?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "What did the Bible Students expect would happen in 1914?"

    They expected thatin 1914 Jesus would begin his "invisible presence", WWI would begin, and 98 years later Jehovah's Witnesses would be meeting in Kingdom Halls to discuss a DVD about their 19th century accurate prophecies for our very near future in this 21st century.

  • 00DAD

    Wow, Billy, you must be a prophet! That is EXACTLY what happened!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I'm pretty sure the Bible Students also said to invest in Exxon, Microsoft, Apple, and Walmart.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Exxon, Microsoft, Apple, and Walmrat - those are small apples. What HEDGE FUND MANAGERS should they invest with?

  • thetrueone

    the intent of this DVD is to present a "white-washed" version of the history of the Watchtower

    Boy there's a under statement !

    One thing that was constantly talked about on that DVD was how the organzation was always and still is preaching the " Truth",

    quite a deliberate cover over of all the wrong prophecies, particularly the corrupt commercialized ones didn't get mentioned at all.

    A propaganda film that deliberately skips over the commercial trash the WTS produced to get people to work for the organization,

    devious but effective. of course this film was made to do what ? more distribution and circulation of its products.

  • pirata

    This one's a bit of a challenge to answer.

    Previous to 1904, there's pretty strong statements that 1914's going to be the end of a time of trouble culminating in universal anarchy, the restoration of the Jews/Jerusalem, the resurrection of the prophets, the 144,000 going to heaven, etc.

    After 1904, and more so as the years got closer to 1914, he continued to back-pedal, and changed his tune to state that 1914 would see the start of a time of great trouble.

    So, they're not lying exactly if the question they're addressing is "What were the Bible Students expecting to happen in the 5 or so years before 1914". But if they question was, "what were the bible students expecting to happen in the 20 years leading up to 1914", then things get messy.

  • Fernando

    Makes one wonder if one of the conscious class slipped that question in under the radar.

    I thank him/her anyway, since it's got to be of some use to someone who is starting to doubt, question, investigate...

    And for those of us interested in mind control dynamics...

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