Anxiety attacks and Door to Door Activity...what have you observed?

by Momma-Tossed-Me 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    During door to door activity in the distant past I have had the experience of witnessing actual anxiety attacks of JW's who could not handle that required preaching on that day and on more than one occasion.

    This is what I have seen on multiple occassions.

    Extreme headaches, upset stomach to the point of vomiting, visible trembling before even approaching the door, arguments with spouses and children, signs of elevated blood pressure, light sensitiity, a total character change, and basicly a complete shut down to the point of limited communication.

    Yes we all have butterflies in the stomach associated with certain activities but what I am talking about here bodily affliction to the point of physically affecting the individual in some cases for the rest of the day.

    These symptoms are obviously present for some newbie to this type of activity but I have observed this from people who have been exposed to this type of work for years. I think the body just cannot handle the stress anymore, and the marination in the hormones associated with it.

    Add to this any other stress from family, home, or work and the fuse to a psychiatric disorder could be lit.

    What are your observations?


  • Nambo

    From day one, I loved the ministry, but I soon realised others didnt, in fact it was so hard getting others out I was given my own map, (despite not even being an auxilary Pioneer), and I would go out on my own.

    Now I wonder if that scripture that talks about gifts in men, some being this, some that and some the other , cannot remember where it is from, wiether that is suggesting we have differant jobs to do in the Church of God, and that if you are doing the one you havnt been given the gift for, you are going to suffer?

    And obviously, every Witness is forced to do that one Christian task that they may not be suitable for, at the expense of all those other Christian tasks that they might nave been very good at, but that gets neglected in this religion.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I really wish I had experienced obvious symptoms of anxiety. As a born in, I learned very young to just suck it up like a good little JW. It was only towards the end of my years as a witness that I realized all of the anxiety I had been swallowing. And how very damaging it all was. Thinking back now, most of the witnesses I worked in "the ministry" with were very angry and stressed out.

    It's all too clear now how anxious these true christians really are.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Nambo-Your comment is, to me, profound! I forgot all about that scripture, but you are right! Not all of us were 'gifted' in the door to door ministry. I reacted like the people in Momma's comment, and had to take anti-anxiety meds to get me through it.

  • squaredzombie

    I experienced that several years. The worst part was when I was in charge of the group. The two elders I worked with used to work on Saturday so I had to take the group out because I was a ministerial servant. When I stepped down I felt better. Now, I enjoyed my weekends and I don't suffer anxiety any more.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Perhaps that's why they worked on Saturday.

  • Nambo

    Thank you Paintedtoenail, I would suggest you where, or would have been, of great value doing another Christian work, if the oppurtunity for such where available to you, but as I said, the society concentrates so much on the preaching work, that other Christian works, especailly those apertaining to Christian Love, are neglected.

  • designs

    It got hard to breathe in that last year of DTD work.

  • VIII

    God I hated going DTD! Even now when I go to someone's home for a visit I have flashbacks to going DTD w/Wacthtowers & Awakes in my trembling hands. Having to push on their doorbells brings my memories to full panic mode. Then I calm down and remember I've been out for years and I'm going to a Tupperware party and not a "return visit".

    I used every and any excuse to not go out on Saturdays. Even if meant staying home the rest of the day-it was small sacrifice to avoid the dreaded field service. (shudder)

  • Londo111

    Amen, amen.

    And what caused added anxiety is that it never got any easier despite prayer. Therefore, I wondered, what is wrong with me? Am I that bad that God is withholding his spirit from me? Evidently so, I had to assume.

    Then couple that with: If I don't do a good job at the door, people could everlastingly die at Armageddon because of me. Thus, not only was I doomed and bloodguilty, I was dooming other people to destruction.

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