question about racial demographics

by Iris10401 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Iris10401

    Hello...I hope this is the proper place to pose my question.

    I've been meeting with a fine JW couple for several months now and I have attended meetings with them twice at the Kingdom Hall. A large segment of the congregation were people of color and it also seems that whenever I meet a JW on the street, they are more often than not African-American. I was wondering if there was some explanation for this, or is just coincidence? Is there some element of JW doctrine that appeals to people of color?

    And just so all the bitter ex-Witnesses don't feel like they need to save me from the "borg," I'm not planning to attend any more meetings and I never considered converting. I am a happy, well-adjusted Latter-day Saint. My reason for meeting with the JWs is to understand the people and the belief system better. I haven't told the couple I meet with about my faith...I wonder how they'd react to find out I'm Mormon....

    Anyhow, thanks in advance for any light you can shed on my question about the racial make-up of the congregation.

  • LDH1
    wonder how they'd react to find out I'm Mormon....

    BWA HA HA.

    Nice to meet you Iris.

    Considering you are a Mormon, I'm wondering *how many* minorities make up "more often than not" for you. Betcha anything they've seen more blacks and Hispanics in Salt Lake City with the Olympics for the past month than many have seen their whole life!

    I was not surprised several years ago when a Black man had to sue the LDS in order to be ordained.

    Don't get yer knickers in a twist, I'm just bustin yer chops.

    Anyhow, the short answer to your question is, it really depends on where you live. I have attended congs made up of 95% white, and 95% black. And now that I think about it, 95% Puerto Rican when I lived in PR of course.

    Others may have differing opinions, but I'm sure there's not too many blacks attending in Idaho and I'm sure there's not too many whites attending in Washington DC or "Hot-lanta."

    Simon's gonna kill me Class

  • LB

    Well speaking as one of those bitter ex-witnesses I can say that my congregation was lilly white. But I've visited some congregations in bigger cities that were filled with "people of color".

    The message that witnesses seem to give is one of hope, especially for people who have very little. It is very appealing to think that you can stay right here on earth, and have EVERYTHING you've ever wanted. Imagine that, all those that have held you down will be destroyed and you'll be left behind, living the good life.

    I think the average person coming in these days is fairly poor. I believe the same holds for white people as well.

    Now how do you feel since the government forced the LDS to allow blacks in???

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Beans

    Who knows,but why don`t you go to and click on Blacks and perhaps that will explain it!


  • DanielHaase

    My parents often bragged to "worldly" folks that our congregation was "mixed". People of all colors can be 'tards too. Most witnesses do not even realize that there hasn't been a black member of the GB until recently...

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hey there Iris10401

    From my experience...I never noticed a racial connection to those who developed an interest in the JW faith. I think it depends on the area that you are associated with...and the economic growth in that area.

    The JW faith appeals to low income earners or elderly lonely it offers a life of hope...a life better then what we currently have. People with financial substance are not usually enticed to join...the saying is 'they have their kingdom here on earth'. I can recall many well off householders being very rude and arrogant when I would engage in the preaching work and would try and preach to them...but the poor folk were always hospitable..generous...and kind. I see the relationship being more of a need for better things. Then could just come down to manners.


  • crownboy


    Iris10401, check out the above link for information pertaining to the U.S. (I think the U.S. numbers are 46% white, 37% black)

    A large segment of the congregation were people of color and it also seems that whenever I meet a JW on the street, they are more often than not African-American. I was wondering if there was some explanation for this, or is just coincidence?
    Which state are you from? That probably would explain the answer. However, if you live in an overwhelminly white area, yet you seem to encounter many blacks, that would be weird .

    Is there some element of JW doctrine that appeals to people of color?
    Not so much an element that appeals to "people of color" specifically, as it is an appeal to oppressed or poor people. A large segment of the black population isn't exactly "rolling in money", so a religion that promises great future material gains to its membership will likely draw people who are poor and are striving for such a goal (and feel that current conditions in "this world" won't allow them a chance to acheive great wealth). There is no perceivable practice of racism in the JW religion, so many minorites feel at home. Many are allowed to reach high positions, so power may be a factor in some joining and staying (though not the only reason, of course). Being black myself, I can honestly say that racial issues have absolutely no bearing on my current distaste for the religion, and most on this board can attest to this. The Governing Body not having a black person on it untill recently probably didn't bother too many, as not too many JW's "of color" declare themselves "of the annointed", which is one of many requirements for making it there. (In my time as a Witness, I've only known 2 black "annointeds", and both were women, which of course would disqualify them from being an Elder, much less be on the Governing Body). I hope I was of some help.

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!

  • Ben There
    Ben There


    your comments about the "appeal" makes alot of sense. It is common of
    any org such as wt to promise something people perceive they can't get
    to some degree by any other means. This approach has hooked many over the years into not pursuing any number of acheivable is very see people not become what they could be due to wt control. It is very similiar as to how orgs make people victims to such a degree they donot even investigate their potential.

    This goes for race, current level in society, looks, family raising,

    As far racism....I was an elder many years...both black and white congs in two countries and although not perceivable to average jw it was alive and well in the circle of elders and above. Sadly it was also very apparent in the jealousy between groups of elders and worse at Bethel. Climbing 'in the ranks' so to speak the exposure to the inner workings of the wt showed the true arrogance and ego all the way to the top.

    I trully feel bad about the many times we squeezed confessions of personal choice from people.....made 'em fess up while the wt contined
    in misleading people about everything from doctrines, to finance, needless self sacrifice, promise of the big house,and so on.
    I tell you when you give so much of your life to something only to find its true motives, ever changing doctrines, different 'truths' in different countries, and the pure abandonment of loyal sacrificing people you know God cannot associate with these arrogant, self serving men.

  • Adonai438

    The congregation I attended was actually mostly white with a few different nationalities mixed in. I think it has to do with the population makeup of the area. Of course they preach the paradise earth thingy so peace on earth in very appealing to everyone and calms racial differences among them mostly. They have not always openly accepted other cultures though and you may find the site listed above very interesting for quotes on the subject.

    Latter-Day-Saint, huh? Very interesting. I would think JWs are about as opposite to your beliefs as you could possibly get (besides biblical christianity). It would not go over well with them. I respect your opinions and would have to say, it would be interesting to chat with you sometime -- <>< Angie

  • JT

    Is there some element of JW doctrine that appeals to people of color?

    Not so much an element that appeals to "people of color" specifically, as it is an appeal to oppressed or poor people. A large segment of the black population isn't exactly "rolling in money", so a religion that promises great future material gains to its membership will likely draw people who are poor and are striving for such a goal (and feel that current conditions in "this world" won't allow them a chance to acheive great wealth). There is no perceivable practice of racism in the JW religion, so many minorites feel at home. Many are allowed to reach high positions, so power may be a factor in some joining and staying (though not the only reason, of course). Being black myself, I can honestly say that racial issues have absolutely no bearing on my current distaste for the religion, and most on this board can attest to this. The Governing Body not having a black person on it untill recently probably didn't bother too many, as not too many JW's "of color" declare themselves "of the annointed", which is one of many requirements for making it there. (In my time as a Witness, I've only known 2 black "annointeds", and both were women, which of course would disqualify them from being an Elder, much less be on the Governing Body). I hope I was of some help.

    So Says Crownboy

    This is one nice pc of commentary on why black folks are so loyal to the jw- your views are exactly as mind

    great post

    TO THE ACHCIEVES##################

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