Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-15-2012 WT Study (FEBRUARY 15, 2012, pages 10-14)(VERY STRONG)
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“Be courageous and very strong . . .Jehovah your God
is with you.”—JOSH. 1:7-9. (PICTURE: Joshua at Jericho, scarlet cord hanging out of window)
In what ways did Enoch and
Noah display courage?
How were certain women of
ancient times exemplary in
faith and courage?
What examples of youthful
courage impress you?
Once again, the WTS finds it hard to show a Christian example of being very courageous.
Deborah (who had to “motivate” Barak, give the coward courage)
David (murderer and adulterer)
Solomon (unrepentant apostate)
Israelite girl
Obadiah (would the elders in your congregation who don’t have time to talk or visit; risk their lives for you?)
13 “followers of God”
1 non-worshipper
1 Christian
The NWT says this:
(2 Timothy 3:12) . . .In fact, all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted.
Yet the WTS makes this qualifying adjustment of what Paul said.
“Not all Christians will experience severe persecution.” (paragraph 20)
*** w10 9/1p. 29***
Many servants of God have suffered terribly for serving him. But is that not what we were told to expect? “All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted,” the Bible says. (2 Timothy 3:12)
*** w04 8/15 p.12par. 3***
Jesus said that his followers would be “objects of hatred by allpeople” on account of his name. (Matthew 10:22) Further, the apostle Paul wrote that all of God’s servants—including each one of us—should expect to be persecuted. (2 Timothy 3:12)
1, 2. (a) What is sometimes needed to pursue an upright
course in life? (b) What are we going to examine?
COURAGE is the opposite of fear, timidity,
and cowardice. We may think of a courageous
person as one who is strong, valiant,
even bold. At times, however, quiet courage is needed
in order to pursue an upright course in daily life.
What courage did the organization show when they purchased property in South Lansing, NY, thinking that WW2 would end with a German takeover?
*** w82 8/15 p.13***
Because of the loss of liberties in many lands, and as a precaution for the safety of the Bethel family, a place of refuge had been built in South Lansing, New York. (said by Carey Barber)
Chapter 8
Who Will the Survivors Be?
SURVIVAL of the coming world destruction will not be a matter of chance, as is so often the case in human wars. It will not be determined by where a person lives, nor by his hurrying to some bomb shelter or other refuge at the sound of a warning siren. Survival will depend on God’s mercy along with the choice each one makes before “the great tribulation” begins. How can you make the choice that will put you among those surviving to live on earth in God’s peaceful, paradisaic New Order? - True Peace and Security - How Can You Find It? (1986), page 86
2 Some people of Bible record were fearless under
very trying conditions. Others displayed courage
in circumstances common to Jehovah’s servants
in general. What can we learn from Biblical examples
of courage? How can we be courageous?
Jehovah’s servants = yet Jesus followers were known as Christians not jws
3. Enoch foretold what for the ungodly?
3 It took courage to be a witness of Jehovah among
wicked ones on earth before the Flood of Noah’s day.
Yet, Enoch, “the seventh one in line from Adam,”
boldly delivered this prophetic message: “Look! Jehovah
came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment
against all, and to convict all the ungodly concerning
all their ungodly deeds that they did in an
ungodly way, and concerning all the shocking things
that ungodly sinners spoke against him.” (Jude 14,
15) Enoch spoke in the past tense because that
prophecy was sure to be fulfilled. And ungodly humans
did perish in a global deluge!
PICTURE: Enoch preached courageously in an ungodly world
Remember that God supposedly removed Enoch from the source of his persecution somehow fearful Enoch would not be “very strong.”
*** w041/1 p.29 par.5***
5:24—Inwhat way did God ‘take Enoch’? Enoch was apparently in mortal danger, but God did not allow him to suffer at the hands of his enemies. “Enoch was transferred so as not to see death,” wrote the apostle Paul. (Hebrews 11:5) This does not mean that God took him to heaven, where he kept on living. Jesus was the first one to ascend to heaven. (John 3:13; Hebrews 6:19, 20) Enoch’s being “transferred so as not to see death” may mean that God put him in a prophetic trance and then terminated his life while he was in that state. Under such circumstances, Enoch did not suffer, or “see death,” at the hands of his enemies.
4. Despite what circumstances did Noah ‘walk with God’?
4 The Flood occurred in 2370 B.C.E., over 650
years after Enoch’s prophetic ministry. Meanwhile,
Noah was born, raised a family, and with his sons
built the ark. Wicked angels had materialized fleshly
bodies, mated with good-looking women, and fathered the
Nephilim. Moreover, man’s
badness had become abundant, and the
earth was filled with violence. (Gen. 6:
1-5, 9, 11) Despite such conditions,
“Noah walked with the true God” and
witnessed boldly as “a preacher of righteousness.”
(Read 2 Peter 2:4, 5.) We
need similar courage in these last days.
Remember that the angels wanted to build a tribe, a dynasty and could not in heaven.
Man’s badness—yes, God allowed polygamy for 2400 years (1 st century)….or until 1947 C.E. in the WTS.
*** w95 9/1 p.25***
I married Olabisi Fashugba in February 1941 and knew enough not to take any additional wives. But until 1947 when the missionaries came, polygamy was common in the congregations. Polygamous brothers were told that they had married more than one wife in ignorance. So if they had two or three or four or five wives, they could keep them, but they should not take any more. That was the policy we had.
Also, Noah and his family had a 7 day window where they went into the ark and then 7 days later the rain started….do jws think they will have a similar window?
5. How did Moses display faith and courage?
5 Moses had exemplary faith and
courage. (Heb. 11:24-27) From 1513-
1473 B.C.E., God used him to lead the
Israelites out of Egypt and direct them
in the wilderness. Moses felt poorly
equipped for this assignment, but he accepted
it. (Ex. 6:12) He and his brother,
Aaron, repeatedly appeared before
tyrannical Pharaoh of Egypt and courageously
announced the Ten Plagues by
which Jehovah disgraced Egyptian gods
and delivered His people. (Ex., chaps. 7-12)
Moses displayed faith and courage
because he had God’s unfailing support,
even as we do.—Deut. 33:27.
Yet, Moses courage and faith did not allow God to forgive him for losing his temper on only one occasion punishing Moses by not allowing him to go into the Promised Land; yet God forgave David, an adulterer and murderer. But then Moses had not been promised that the Messiah would come through his line. And although “privileged” to receive the Law, God could not “adjust” it as he had in David’s case. So David wasn’t Israel’s leader with “greater accountability”?
*** w09 9/1 p. 19***
Fourth, Moses and Aaron were Israel’s leaders. Those with much responsibility have greater accountability to God.
6. If we are interrogated by secular authorities,
how will we be able to bear witness with courage?
6 We need courage like that of Moses,
for Jesus said: “You will be haled before
governors and kings for my sake, for a
witness to them and the nations. However,
when they deliver you up, do not
become anxious about how or what you
are to speak; for what you are to speak
will be given you in that hour; for the
ones speaking are not just you, but it
is the spirit of your Father that speaks
by you.” (Matt. 10:18-20) If we are interrogated
by secular authorities, Jehovah’s
spirit will enable us to bear witness respectfully
with faith and courage.—Read
Luke 12:11, 12.
If the elders (or any jws) are “interrogated,” will they keep things confidential? Do they now keep confidentiality even when there is no physical threat”
7. Why was Joshua courageous and successful?
7 Regular study of God’s Law built
up the faith and courage of Moses’ successor,
Joshua. In 1473 B.C.E., Israel
was poised to enter the Promised Land.
“Be courageous and very strong,” God
commanded. By complying with the
Law, Joshua would act wisely and would
be successful. “Do not suffer shock or
be terrified,” he was told, “for Jehovah
your God is with you wherever you go.”
(Josh. 1:7-9) How those words must have
strengthened Joshua! And God certainly
was with him, for the major conquest
of the Promised Land was completed in
only six years—by 1467 B.C.E.
Do jws regular study the bible or WTS publications? Can jws understand the bible without WTS publications?
*** w94 10/1 p.8***
Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the “greatly diversified wisdom of God” can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.—John 6:68.
How many jws realize that Joshua led an army that killed not only soldiers, but women, children, babies, even in the womb?
(Joshua 10:28) . . .And Joshua captured Mak·ke′dah on that day and went striking it with the edge of the sword. As for its king, he devoted him and every soul that was in it to destruction. He let no survivor remain. . . .
(Joshua 11:10-14) . . .More than that, Joshua turned about at that time and captured Ha′zor; and its king he struck down with the sword, because Ha′zor was before that the head of all these kingdoms. 11 And they went striking every soul that was in it with the edge of the sword, devoting [them] to destruction. No breathing thing at all was left over, and he burned Ha′zor in the fire. 12 And all the cities of these kings and all their kings Joshua captured and went striking them with the edge of the sword. He devoted them to destruction, just as Moses the servant of Jehovah had commanded. 13 It was only all the cities standing on their own mounds that Israel did not burn, except that Joshua did burn Ha′zor by itself. 14 And all the spoil of these cities and the domestic animals the sons of Israel plundered for themselves. It was only all humankind that they struck with the edge of the sword until they had annihilated them. They did not let anyone that breathed remain.
How many jws realize that not all the Canaanites were removed, that is killed?
8. What example of faith and courage do we
have in Rahab?
8 Through the centuries, many courageous
women have taken their stand as
valiant worshippers of Jehovah. For instance,
the prostitute Rahab of Jericho
exercised faith in God, courageously
concealing two spies sent out by Joshua,
and then misdirecting the henchmen of
that city’s king. She and her household
were preserved when the Israelites took
Jericho . Rahab abandoned her sinful
profession, worshipped Jehovah faithfully,
and became an ancestress of the
Messiah. (Josh. 2:1-6; 6:22, 23; Matt. 1:
1, 5) How she was blessed for her faith
and courage!
“prostitute” Rahab? Why not “adulterer” David?
Misdirecting = WTS considers this proof that lying is acceptable
Rahab saved lives and became an ancestress of the Messiah, David had Uriah’s life taken and still was rewarded by being an ancestor of the Messiah, but a baby died, David’s wives were raped, and 70,000 people died because of David’s disobedience. David’s fear of being found out as an adulterer and being put to death rightly under the Law, led to his having Uriah put to death…is that courage?
9. How did Deborah, Barak, and Jael show
9 After Joshua’s death about
1450 B.C.E., judges administered justice
in Israel. Canaanite King Jabin had oppressed
the Israelites for 20 years when
God had the prophetess Deborah motivate
Judge Barak to take action. Barak
assembled 10,000 men on Mount Tabor
and was ready to engage in battle with
Jabin’s military chief Sisera, who en-
tered the torrent valley of Kishon with
his army and its 900 war chariots. When
the Israelites marched into the valley
plain, God caused a flash flood that
turned the battlefield into a quagmire
and immobilized the Canaanite chariots.
Barak’s men prevailed, and “all the
camp of Sisera fell by the edge of the
sword.” Sisera himself sought refuge in
the tent of Jael, but she killed him while
he slept. In line with Deborah’s prophetic
words to Barak, “the beautifying
thing” of this victory went to the woman
Jael. Because Deborah, Barak, and Jael
acted courageously, Israel “had no further
disturbance for forty years.” (Judg.
4:1-9, 14-22; 5:20, 21, 31) Many godly
men and women have displayed similar
faith and courage.
How many jws realize that Deborah was a judge (and married but her husband was not selected as a judge)? How many realize that Barak lacked the courage to go and fight unless Deborah came with him? Where was his faith that God was with him?
(Judges 4:4,5) . . .Now Deb′o·rah, a prophetess, the wife of Lap′pi·doth, was judging Israel at that particular time. 5 And she was dwelling under Deb′o·rah’s palm tree between Ra′mah and Beth′el in the mountainous region of E′phra·im; and the sons of Israel would go up to her for judgment.
(Judges 4:8) . . .At this Ba′rak said to her: “If you will go with me, I also shall certainly go; but if you will not go with me, I shall not go.”
10. Why can it be said that our words can inspire
10 What we say can inspire courage
in fellow worshippers of Jehovah. In
the 11th century B.C.E., King David told
his son Solomon: “Be courageous and
strong and act. Do not be afraid nor be
terrified, for Jehovah God, my God, is
with you. He will not desert you or leave
you until all the work of the service of
Jehovah’s house is finished.” (1 Chron.
28:20) Solomon acted courageously and
built the splendid temple of Jehovah in
Jerusalem .
I wonder what Solomon knew about his older full brother who died; how he was the result of adultery and that his father had his mother’s first husband killed? How God did not desert David despite his being an adulterer and a murderer?
Maybe Solomon realized that he could marry non-Jewish women and worship their gods and not be punished under the Law because he too would be an ancestor of the Messiah. That he could die an unrepentant apostate and still be resurrected per the WTS.
PICTURE: Jael was courageous and strong
11. What effect did the courageous words of an
Israelite girl have on one man’s life?
11 In the tenth century B.C.E., the
courageous words of an Israelite girl
proved to be a blessing for a leper. She
had been captured by a marauding band
and became a servant of the leprous Syrian
army chief Naaman. Having learned
about miracles that Jehovah performed
Jael was courageous and strong
through Elisha, she told Naaman’s wife
that if her husband would go to Israel,
God’s prophet would cure him. Naaman
did go to Israel, was miraculously
healed, and became a worshipper of
Jehovah. (2 Ki. 5:1-3, 10-17) If you are a
young person who loves God as that girl
did, he can give you courage to witness
to teachers, fellow students, and others.
No-name Jewish girl = like no-name wife of Noah and no-name wives of his sons.
Did Naaman totally become a worshipper of Israel’s God?
(2 Kings 5:16-18) . . .. 17 Finally Na′a·man said: “If not, please, let there be given to your servant some ground, the load of a pair of mules; because your servant will no more render up a burnt offering or a sacrifice to any other gods but to Jehovah. 18 In this thing may Jehovah forgive your servant: When my lord comes into the house of Rim′mon to bow down there, and he is supporting himself upon my hand, and I have to bow down at the house of Rim′mon, when I bow down at the house of Rim′mon may Jehovah, please, forgive your servant in this respect.”
So if your non-jw grandma needed you to take her to mass every Sunday, could you?
12. How did the words of King Hezekiah affect
his subjects?
12 Well-chosen words in times of peril
can inspire courage. When the Assyrians
marched against Jerusalem in
the eighth century B.C.E., King Hezekiah
told his subjects: “Be courageous and
strong. Do not be afraid nor be terrified
because of the king of Assyria and
on account of all the crowd that is with
him; for with us there are more than
there are with him. With him there is an
arm of flesh, but with us there is Jehovah
our God to help us and to fight our
battles.” How was that expression received?
Why, “the people began to brace
themselves upon the words of Hezekiah”!
(2 Chron. 32:7, 8) Similar words
may bolster our own courage and that
of other Christians when we are being
hounded by persecutors.
Other Christians = only jws; how many jws believe they are the only ones “persecuted” for the right reasons?
King Hezekiah had not had a male heir when he became critically ill and he asked God to extend his life…turned out to be 15 years. And who was that son, Manasseh; wasn’t he the king that tossed his own children into the fire? What a blessing that was, and he was an ancestor of the Messiah as well.
13. What example of courage do we have in
King Ahab’s steward Obadiah?
13 Sometimes courage is shown by
what we do not say. In the tenth century
B.C.E., King Ahab’s steward Obadiah
courageously hid a hundred prophets
of Jehovah “by fifties in a cave” so
that they would not be killed at the order
of wicked Queen Jezebel. (1 Ki. 18:4)
Like God-fearing Obadiah, many of Jehovah’s
loyal present-day servants have
courageously protected fellow believers
by not giving persecutors information
about them.
Have jws “courageously protected” fellow jws by not giving other jws information that are not entitled to; even embellishing the info and telling others not to associate with them?
14, 15. How did Queen Esther display faith
and courage, and with what result?
14 Queen Esther displayed great faith
and courage when a genocide plot
hatched by wicked Haman imperiled
the Jews throughout the Persian Empire
in the fifth century B.C.E. No wonder
they mourned and fasted and undoubtedly
prayed with all their heart! (Esther
4:1-3) Queen Esther was greatly distressed.
Her cousin Mordecai sent her a
copy of the law authorizing the massacre
and commanded her to appear before
the king to implore favor for her
fellow Jews. But anyone going in to the
king when not summoned was put to
death.—Esther 4:4-11.
So how was it that Esther married, even was encouraged to marry, a non-worshipper of God?
Does the WTS want jw fathers in some cultures to marry off their daughters (for a bride price) to a non-jw?
*** w98 9/15 p.25***
In the name of custom, some family heads allow unbelieving relatives to extort a high bride-price. This has sometimes led to the marriage of a Christian girl to an unbeliever. That is contrary to the admonition that Christians should marry “only in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 7:39)
15 Yet, Mordecai told Esther: ‘If you
are silent, deliverance will come from
another place. But who knows whether
it is for a time like this that you attained
royal dignity?’ Esther urged Mordecai
to gather the Jews in Shushan and
fast in her behalf. “I shall fast likewise,”
she said, “and upon that I shall come in
to the king, which is not according to the
law; and in case I must perish, I must
perish.” (Esther 4:12-17) Esther acted
courageously, and the book bearing her
name shows that God delivered his people.
In our day, anointed Christians and
their dedicated associates display similar
courage under trial—and the “Hearer
of prayer” is always on their side.—Read
Psalm 65:2; 18:6.
So Mordecai was “courageous” and had Esther put her life on the line?
“anointed Christians” but only “dedicated associates” for the non-anointed and evidently not Christians?
16. What example do our youngsters have in
16 On one occasion in the first century
C.E., 12-year-old Jesus was found
at the temple, “sitting in the midst
of the teachers and listening to them
and questioning them.” Moreover, “all
those listening to him were in constant
amazement at his understanding and
his answers.” (Luke 2:41-50) Although
he was young, Jesus had the faith and
courage needed to question older teachers
at the temple. Bearing in mind Jesus’
example will help youngsters in the
Christian congregation to take full advantage
of opportunities to ‘make a defense
before everyone demanding a reason
for their hope.’—1 Pet. 3:15.
Finally we leave the OT examples….Jesus courageous, but then remember his mother and father would have told him of his specialness, that he was the Messiah. That his mother had been a virgin mother and that an angel, Gabriel, had talked to her and the angels had sung at his birth.
Jesus questioned the elders, can the rank and file do the same?
How many young jws tell others at school they are jws; how many adult jws tell co-workers? Not many in my experience.
17. Why did Jesus urge his disciples to “take
courage,” and why do we need to act courageously?
17 Jesus urged others to “take courage.”
(Matt. 9:2, 22) He told his disciples:
“Look! The hour is coming, indeed,
it has come, when you will be scattered
each one to his own house and you will
leave me alone; and yet I am not alone,
because the Father is with me. I have
said these things to you that by means
of me you may have peace. In the world
you are having tribulation, but take
courage! I have conquered the world.”
(John 16:32, 33) Like Jesus’ early followers,
we face the world’s hatred, but let
us not become like the world. Reflecting
on the courageous course of God’s
Son can give us courage to remain undefiled
by this world. He triumphed over
the world, and so can we.—John 17:16;
Jas. 1:27.
World’s (all non-jws) hatred; and if they are not hating an individual jw, he/she is not doing something right.
World = all non-jw’s
18, 19. The apostle Paul gave what evidence of
faith and courage?
18 The apostle Paul endured many
tests. On one occasion, Jews in Jerusalem
would have torn him to pieces had
Roman soldiers not rescued him. During
the night, “the Lord stood by him
and said: ‘Be of good courage! For as you
have been giving a thorough witness on
the things about me in Jerusalem, so you
must also bear witness in Rome.’ ” (Acts
23:11) Paul did just that.
So in this whole article, the WTS could only come up with 2 NT examples, Jesus and Paul.
If the world hated Paul, how was it that worldly Roman soldiers rescued him?
19 Paul fearlessly rebuked the “superfine
apostles,” who sought to corrupt
the congregation in Corinth. (2 Cor.
11:5; 12:11) Unlike them, he could point
to proof of his apostleship—to imprisonment,
beatings, perilous journeys, other
dangers, hunger, thirst, and sleepless
nights, as well as deep concern for
fellow believers. (Read 2 Corinthians
11:23-28.) What a record of faith and
courage—all of it proof of God-given
So who were the “superfine apostles”? Were they like the “false brothers” he mentioned elsewhere?
So persecution was proof of apostleship?
Do jws realize that the WTS teaches there are no apostles today in the organization, not even on the GB?
20,21. (a) Give an example showing that we
must keep on mustering up courage. (b) Under
what circumstances may we need to display
courage, and of what can we be certain?
20 Not all Christians will experience
severe persecution. Yet, all need to muster
up boldness in order to meet the
challenges of life. To illustrate: A young
person in Brazil belonged to a gang. After
studying the Bible, he saw the need
to make changes, but usually anyone
leaving the gang was killed. He prayed,
and he used scriptures to show the leader why he
could not stay in the gang. The
young man was released without reprisals
and became a Kingdom publisher.
Christians = only jws
Do you see anywhere in this scripture that Paul said that he was not talking about severe persecution?
(2 Timothy 3:12) . . .In fact, all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted.
*** w10 9/1 p.29***
Many servants of God have suffered terribly for serving him. But is that not what we were told to expect? “All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted,” the Bible says. (2 Timothy 3:12)
21 Courage is required to preach the
good news. Christian youths need this
quality if they are to maintain integrity
at school. It may take courage to request
time off from secular work in order to
attend all sessions of a convention. The
list could go on and on. Regardless of
the challenges we face, however, Jehovah
will hear our ‘prayers of faith.’ (Jas.
5:15) And surely he can give us his holy
spirit so that we can “be courageous and
very strong”!
If jws truly believe their message is life-saving…how can they not speak?
But if they only see it as a means to their own salvation, and one that need not be productive, producing converts, how hard will they try?
Why does the WTS have to “remind” jws to ask off from work to attend the yearly district convention?
But then do the GB and others at Bethel have to worry about their employer giving them time off?
Next Sunday, PRESERVE THE POSITIVE SPIRIT OF THE CONGREGATION (of course assuming it is positive already).
Does the WTS view it as unity or uniformity in practice?
Love, Blondie