Fabius Maximus (or Why The Watchtower Will Lose)

by metatron 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Once upon a time, there was a military commander named Fabius Maximus (the name sounds silly, I know, like Gluteous Maximus). He faced a more powerful enemy he could not directly defeat - and so was born "The Fabian Strategy".


    It worked in the American Revolution.

    It worked in Vietnam

    It worked in Afghanistan.

    It always works when the enemy doesn't have time on his side - and you do. The stronger force gets drained, worn-out, frustrated, and eventually, broken.

    If Watchtower monitors are reading this (of course), this war of attrition is your fate. You hope for an Armageddon that never arrives while 'apostates', slackers, double-lived kids, and outright fake Witnesses drain the resources of your Organizational Idol, year after year.

    So, if you ever get discouraged by thinking that the Watchtower is invincible, forget it. Fabius ("the Cunctator") Maximus led the way to victory ........ and they are feeling it.


  • TweetieBird

    Very interesting, as usual. I hope I live to see it.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Yes, I believe you ar correct.

    Not with a bang, but a whimper.

  • stillajwexelder

    Breakfast of Champions said -- Yes, I believe you are correct. Not with a bang, but a whimper.

    AGREED +1

    They can survive for a long time. They will have to sell real estate and live off that - but slowly -but surely - it will happen. UNLESS ------ they stop being a publishing organization -and become a construction organization- built off free/cheap labor. It may buy them another 30 years or more.

  • hamsterbait

    The plymouth brethren were once HUGE. Look at them now - withering away with a handful at each of their " Gospel Halls".

    This is the Dubbie world in forty years time. All the young ones gone, the old ones dying.


  • Scott77

    Thanks to internet age. I hope to live see it happen in my lfetime.


  • transhuman68

    It certainly does seem to be quite possible the Watchtower will eventually fade away. The internet and other high technology will continue to spread out and be available to more and more people, reducing the influence of religion in general. Social networking, and forums like this, as well as the archives, will continue to influence people into thinking in a mainstream commonsense kind of way, which is definitely not the watchtower way! But as well as the internet, there needs to be a culture of people using the internet, which will take a little while longer to be widespread.

  • LV101

    Once again Metatron is here with hope. I have to say you are consistent since about 1998/99 (guessing), w/your predictions.

    Thank you.

  • LongHairGal


    You probably have a point and time will tell.

    Even though the religion is famous for having a high percentage of people leaving after about five years and has a poor retention rate for members in general, nowadays they are suffering a greater loss than usual. The internet is exposing them and their scandals and failed prophecies. If this were not bad enough, their current teachings against college and careers and other outrageous teachings are enough to make any sensible person walk out the door.

    There isn't even much need to look up past garbage on them, except to verify how right people are not to stay there. In a way I feel sorry for the die-hards who are still there trying to defend the indefensible. I would be positively sick to my stomach!

  • moshe

    However, a corporation can live forever and humans eventually get old and die.

    The WT corporation in 30 years could morph their religion into something we wouldn't recognize today- just as the Russellites from 1890 wouldn't identify with the current JW-KH- Christian Cong of JWs formula that the witnesses have today. The WT dogma that you can cheat death by following us (god's earthly org) and go straight to everlasting life on paradise Earth is a dogma that has a lot of appeal to many people- it's a unique idea that you can get only by joining the WT religion. It has a lot of legs left- the WT lawyers just have to figure out a cheaper and more efficient way (ie-the Internet!) to market that nostrum to the weak-minded masses who will lap it up like manna from heaven-

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