Once upon a time, there was a military commander named Fabius Maximus (the name sounds silly, I know, like Gluteous Maximus). He faced a more powerful enemy he could not directly defeat - and so was born "The Fabian Strategy".
It worked in the American Revolution.
It worked in Vietnam
It worked in Afghanistan.
It always works when the enemy doesn't have time on his side - and you do. The stronger force gets drained, worn-out, frustrated, and eventually, broken.
If Watchtower monitors are reading this (of course), this war of attrition is your fate. You hope for an Armageddon that never arrives while 'apostates', slackers, double-lived kids, and outright fake Witnesses drain the resources of your Organizational Idol, year after year.
So, if you ever get discouraged by thinking that the Watchtower is invincible, forget it. Fabius ("the Cunctator") Maximus led the way to victory ........ and they are feeling it.