I just caught this in the July 2012 study watchtower:
"8 Note how “the works of the flesh”
breed disunity. (Read Galatians 5:19-
21.) Fornication separates the one practicing
it from Jehovah and the congregation,
and adultery can cruelly separate
children from parents and innocent
partners from marriage mates. Uncleaness
affects a person’s unity with God
and with those who love him. One who
has attempted to glue two things together
knows that both surfaces must
be clean before a proper bond can be
forged. Engaging in brazen conduct
demonstrates total disregard for God’s righteous
So they start the paragraph by having the congregation read the works of the flesh in Galatians 5:19-21 and the third one listed is loose conduct in the NWT.
but in the paragraph they call it BRAZEN conduct!
I know they came up with this term in the last elders book and when they did a crackdown on porn a few years ago. But in this paragraph it is like they are replacing loose conduct with Brazen conduct in the bible.
Are they on the verge of a revamped NWT for the new millenium? with all the loose conduct taken out of it and replaced with this new word?