My colleague take a part in some contest of stories.
She wrote a silly story about her and her best friend (girlfriend?)...))
It will goes to worldwide 'experts'...Who dont speak english very well, cause they are from South Korea.
Anyway... There is a story.
If you can fix and adjust it into a beautiful english, i'll be happy!!!
(Don't mind she is crazy... She is just a lonely 34-year old woman, owner of a two dogs...)
"Friends can not be much. This is purely my personal opinion.
But I know some who can share such point of view.
After all, we both have just one heart, and we can not tear it up into several "friends".
My heart is full, friendly, and always belongs to Irina.
My closest friend, the only one.
Externally, we do not too similar. And this is evident.
We had different education, our personal life is different,
as well as work activity.
I would even say that we are on different social levels of society.
But it doesn't bother us at all.
After all, the friendship is no place for stereotypes.
By the way, our friendship are last for 30 years.
It is several months younger Irina
Only 10 years ago, we began to notice that we are very similar in some aspects.
And, laughing, we begin to look more carefully at each other.
And found we are very similar internally.
You could even say that we are "spiritual twins."
We have the same hobby. We are crazy about the reading books.
I mean, we love to read. We can buy a book in any place.
We call each other "book maniac."Together we can go into "binge of a reading."
This interest had made us closer.
We always have something to discuss, and speculate about anything, share our opinion.
We have the same food preferences.
We do not using a diet, and don't like somehow make a prohibition for ourselves.
We doing what we like. We do everything our heart desires.
But, of course, respecting the limits of the law and decency.
Our tastes in music are similar.
We were attracted by the same exhibitions and performances, and we visited it.
Our characters are similar.
We both are well educated, kind, polite and positive in life.
Pessimism "kills" us. We are both moderately sociable.
We avoid some noisy companies, and prefer a quiet and peaceful dialogue with the book.
We think we a strong persons, but, in practice, we could get hurt by somebody
We do not like rudeness and arrogance. Most often we could not make a revenge.
We are not greedy, but parsimonious. We understand the humor, but not all.
We are not indifferent, and can sympathize, but rarely can provide real help.
We love to give gifts while expecting to recieve something sweet in return.
We have shown perseverance to achieve the goals
But sometimes, we become stubborn, like a rams, capricious just like children,
and too selfish in our intentions.
We rarely recognize and admit our mistakes,
even more rarely asking for forgiveness and forgive people.
Sometimes it can be difficult together.
It's just a temporary difficulties, but we can overcome it, easy or not.
Our friendship has been tested by time.
And not only by a time. We've been through a lot, for thirty years, and pricks of jealousy,
misunderstanding and hours of alienation, minutes of envy, seconds of embarrassment,
milliseconds of shame, moments of pride for each other,
bitter quarrels and tears of joy of reconciliation.
And fate has kept us from betrayal.
Irina is kind of person with whom is nice to remain silent
Sometimes we don't need any words to understand each other.
Just looked in friend's eyes and everything becomes clear.
Sometimes, I get the feeling that we share one pair of eyes for our sight,
hearing the world by one pair of ears, and having one heart to feel and understand.
Very often I am thankful to our destiny for giving me a chance to find out
and understand what friendship is, what it means to be a friend.
And I hope that our friendship will leave this world only with us."