What constitues "evidence" for scriptural divorce?
by monitorman 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
1080p video is the best.
Assuming the betraying party is male.
He confesses
His girlfriend or boyfriend comes and confesses ( this is tricky if he denies it all)
two witnesses see him doing it with another person than his spouse
There is undeniable video or audio recording of the event
DNA proof shows that he is father to another womens children
Assuming the betraying party is female
She confesses
Her boyfriend or girlfriend comes and confesses ( this is tricky if she denies it all)
two witnesses see her doing it with another person than her spouse
There is undeniable video or audio recording of the event
She gets pregnant and he got proof that they have not had intercourse in suitable timeframe.
Maybe I missed some points
I know of one "sister" who camped out all night to get proof that her ex's "girlfriend" stayed the night, that was proof enough. The truth was nothing happened, the girl in question was simply staying the night, the guy later married someone else. He shrugged his shoulders about it and laughed, he had been a naughty boy, not with the girl that stayed, his ex wife just did not have real proof, simply a photo of the girl arriving, and leaving.
His first wife has been through a couple more marriages and still manages to be a JW in good standing, joke.
Proof does not need to be that good, just enough to convince two window washers and a janitor sitting on a J.C
Yes, staying overnight automatically means that you had sex to the silly cult. JWs, the cult that can't keep it in their pants!
Wizard of Oz
In a letter to my estranged spouse saying " I think it only right to tell you I have met someone. We spend time together and get along well." was enough to have papers within the week and finalised within the month.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
It's amazing how their two witness rule flies out the window when they want it to.
bats in the belfry
baltar447 >> The latest instructions differ somewhat (if you are a believer).
If the "sinner" is NOT baptised, the innocent witness spouse can merely provide the Cong with a letter stating that (s)he knows that the spouse has committed adultery and (s)he is free to obtain a scriptural divorce.
If both are baptised, the the rule book comes into effect:
Two witnesses to the adultery (kinky!);
Two witnesses that the individual spent the night alone with a person of the opposite sex (or a known homosexual if of the same sex);
Undeniable circumstancial evidence (pregnancy, video posted online [kinky again!], DNA testing)
I know of a JW female who fled from an abusive JW Elderâ„¢ husband. She found a place to stay overnight with a male co-worker. The husband found out and had a couple of his buddies spy on the premises to see her coming and going. She was DFd on grounds of adultery, despite the co-worker and his same sex partner vouching for the fact that she did not engage in sexual misconduct while in their home.
Oddly enough, the husband filed for divorce and remarried before the ink was dry on the divorce decree. The turn-around time between wife #1 and wife #2 was unseemly.