
by compound complex 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I am adrift, without rudder,
    in a sea of broken dreams.

    My mind descends into a tangle
    of tentacled seaweed that pulls

    My hapless frame further downward,
    downward into a black and sinister

    Realm that has, to this day, held fast
    its jailed without pity.

    I do love the land and all her beauties
    but have always feared the sea and have

    Never gladly nor willingly ventured forth in
    search of adventure at peril to life and limb.

    Adrift in my thoughts, I roam the dread shores
    of what this coward fears the most: the uncharted

    Waters of soul and spirit; they, surely, shall swallow
    down whole this flailing and gasping wretch till every

    Sign of life, hope, vitality is extinguished in death's throes

  • tec

    CoCo... that was breathtaking! Thank you.



  • BizzyBee

    Surely not? Methinks you shall redefine your dreams and find that the uncharted waters have not defeated or swallowed you, but have proved and refined your mettle.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, dear Tec and Bee.

    This is a refinement of a longer, more cumbersome poem.

    Oh, I am much better, Mrs. Bee - of course! Remember that English mettle is stronger than Spanish metal ...



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I am going home, yet not without sorrow;
    for too long have I been adrift.

    There was no place to call my own nor
    anyone to take me in.

    The price I paid for careless days of youth
    spent has been too dear.

    I look upward to a welcoming sky that beckons,
    reassuring that, soon, this

    Wanderer shall be home, in the warm and loving
    embrace of the cosmos ...

  • sabastious

    Very, very nice. You have a lot of talent!


  • erbie

    Great stuff!!!

    Many thanks.


    compound complex

    I always enjoy your poetry.

    Heaven is a place on earth and may not be as far away as you think. Perhaps you need to get out for a couple of beers with some good mates...

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, sabastious and erbie, for your welcome comments. I appreciated them very much.

    Have a wonderful day.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, too, THE GLADIATOR, for your words and the suggestion of a few beers ...

    Got to this weekend with neighbors (wine, actually), and it was a good thing I was walking home!

    Actually, I do find heaven on earth - I live in a paradise that closely resembles my childhood surroundings.

    All the best.


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