No, its just funny because I make a big deal about looking at Christ to see God... not the OT.
don't you say that some scripture is none of what I quoted inspired then?
by tootired2care 114 Replies latest jw friends
No, its just funny because I make a big deal about looking at Christ to see God... not the OT.
don't you say that some scripture is none of what I quoted inspired then?
don't you say that some scripture is none of what I quoted inspired then?
Oh, I don't know.
Honestly, I think that they could only understand in terms of the physical... but that God was always more concerned with spiritual. But one has to deal with the limitations and understandings of the people. Like most people can't get a grasp of the spiritual... but they can get a grasp of a lesson if it is shown through physical means. Or people seek out the closest thing that they can see, in order to understand what is a spiritual lesson.
For instance... the sword guarding the way back into the garden. We don't know what a sword is from that account. We use what we see (in this case a sword) as a means to bar the path. Same with using food and drink as a means to satisfy hunger... to understand spiritual hunger and thirst as well.
So the writing could be inspired. But the undertanding (of the writer or the scribes from one generation to another), might not be.
If man can make it to the moon why can't he transport food, medicine, etc., to the poor/dying ones -- ahhh, no profit to be made and they leave e/country to survive on their own. This country alone produces so much food farmers plow surpluses underground to increase their profit. It's all about greed. Didn't God give us this privilege/responsibility to care for/love others. Seems we've failed that one.
Yes governments spend vast amounts of money on these things...and most people have no control over that. And as for profits...thats how business works. Most growers don't make nearly as much as the retailers. Well thats how it is here in nz anyway. Got a better idea for sustainable business? Communism claimed to provide for all, we can see the result of that too...I think humans work on a system of trial and error. And we learn from it. Hopefully one day we will learn to stop fighting and spending money on wars. But as long as someone wants power and will do anything to achieve it...people will fight for freedom.
Did god give us the privelege/responsibiblty to care for/love others? Did we fail? Or are we slowly improving society in general? Did god fail his people by not providing them with the basic necessities to live? Or do we blame the people for living in the wrong place? Is there a right place?
And who says we failed at giving love...I see acts of love everyday. Is it the governments job to show love? Who will fund that love? Personally I think the governments already interfere to much in individuals lives.
I don't think our system of profit and loss is the greatest...maybe bartering could be better...maybe something else...maybe we will find out once the whole economy finally crashes..but I doubt that God will step up or in, and fix anything for anyone. I see no evidence of it whatsoever. Apparently he already gives us everything we need. Just look around you, you can see his love in action as he watches children die in one of the most painful manners. What loving father could watch that and not step in?
If we look to Jesus as an example and to see god, didn't Jesus cure the sick? Didn't he feed people? Didn't he expel demons? Didn't he raise the dead? I don't see god doing any of this. I see people dying of hunger, sickness, disease, and if evil is the source of all sin...he lets it run a muck.
Yes, we learn from it and I'm not against capitalism but something is radically wrong when rich nations cannot follow Jesus' example and feed the hungry, cure the sick (when possible w/meds).
I see acts of love all the time and people volunteering/giving but we certainly need more to alleviate starvation and I don't know what it would take. Guess we just haven't accomplished enough until more are made aware of the needs of others. I think people are so bombarded in life w/their own circumstances it's forgotten about. Difficult enough for families to provide for their own in many situations. Gov't. does give monies (and NO --- it is not their job to provide and YES gov't does interfere too much) to these countries but those in need don't seem to benefit and falls into the hands of the corrupt. I like to think society is improving and mankind is capable of alleviating starvation.
We are told to care for orphans/widows and to love our neighbor as ourself --- aren't the children in Africa our neighbor (or anyone for that matter).
Tec - thanks for replying to my one comment about "receiving answers" I'm going to respectfully disagree with you on your reply though. I speak from experience (as I'm sure you will say you do) Thanks though. I know many of my christian friends are very sad for me and believe I've lost my way...but I know that I 've found it - I am totally responsible for my life, totally in control.
I agree with you completely LV101...but what is god doing about any of it? Nothing. At least we try.
We (humanity in general) do not want to do what God would have us do to alleviate the hungry and the poor. That is our fault. And our fellow man IS our responsibility.
Want to end the suffering in the world? Give all your possessions, down to the last penny if need be, to feed and house those in need. Can't do that (children and people depending on you), but still want to help? Give everything other than the basics of what you need. Give up on profit and savings and vacations and toys and such. Few people are willing do that, including the mega-rich.
That is just on an individual basis, and can only go so far. Let's look bigger.
Do we need to spend billions of dollars on the entertainment industry each year? Could we not spend it on getting help to other countries and people in need? What about the tobacco industry, and all the money that goes into health concerns? LV made a great point above as well. How many more grand-scale e x amples are there of big money going to non-essential things, when so many don't even have the essential things?
God didn't say keep screwing up and I'll bail you all out. He says give. He, in fact, said: if you give then I will 'open up the floodgates of heaven', etc.
You give your all... and I'll give the rest.
But we don't give our all. Not even close. Most of us who give, do so out of our surplus.
but what is god doing about any of it? Nothing. At least we try.
Still thinking, I think you personally have the same amount of proof for yourself that the god you have sought is not real that you have that he has done nothing to fix anything. So what you say makes you sound like a bully.
I'm taking my best shot here --- ya know, he threw us the ball and it's on our shoulders. Isn't that the least we can do but I sure don't know how to organize a group (like you, me, Tec, and all the other concerned folks onboard here for example) to tackle the problem. We've heard the word of God and we don't follow through --- just like the law breaking, tax-free, watchtower. We should ask them for a contribution to feed the hungry as an opener. Isn't that what God/Christ demands. I know that's dreaming but so was moon walking. I can't imagine doing a walk-about thru Africa handing out box lunches or bowls of mush to starving people but see some religions doing this. It's impossible to feed the majority because there aren't enough orgs taking part and the ones endeavoring to do this are feeding such a minute amt. of starving humans. Religions aren't the most popular orgs for people to join/donate to today (understandably) but there are trustworthy individuals and charities who've successfully endeavored --- i.e., the notorious couple on infomercial receiving accolades/academy awards few yrs. ago.
It's not even a consideration with the weight of our own selfish ambitions/desires and life's difficulties in the path of those in affluent countries unless we have this reality shoved in our face and a conscience (naturally or trained/God) that it's our responsibility to deal with. Look at the US --- pathetic home conditions for children and charities work diligently to provide food/covering --- guess it's better than nothing.
We as people are too selfish (I'm not saying we don't have our heartfelt moments to give) --- it's natural and many of us are working hard to give financially and w/time. Those law abiding stiffs w/out offshore accounts are heavily taxed and we certainly can't count on it helping those in need around the world no matter what the gov't allots. I know so many who have used the system in this affluent country and they won't work --- maybe they've given up and haven't been raised with strong work ethics and so easy to receive handouts according to people who are social workers. I'm not talking about those who CAN'T provide for themselves, the truly disadvantaged ones.
Thus, Jesus words to pray for the kingdom --- let it come but unbelief crowds out faith (a spiritual and powerful force in the universe first in our mouth then in our heart) and it's as difficult for us to believe as forsaking ourselves to take care of others forsaking our selfishness.