This should be posted in Kingdom Hall libraries in a gold frame
by Terry 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi Terry.
Maybe it should also have said "David would have been convicted of capital murder in today's U.S.A."
But then, so would Jehovah of the O.T.
Yes Terry,
and religion is a tree in which all the foulest beasts of the earth have come to roost.
Nice one!
I agree Terry. Jehovah's Witnesses are so busy striving for virtual perfection - no, wait - expecting virtual perfection from others - that they often miss the point that it is Christ who makes up for our lack.
"God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called " ????
Isn't that load of shite exactly what the JW's use as an excuse for their own abysmal lack of education and Bible study ?
I agree with Phizzy, it starts off promisingly and ends poorly. I think we need an a-religious Watchtower-mocking version with a more JW-applicable punchline along the lines of "They were all used by God, so don't get so hung up on trying to be perfect!"
What Phizzy and Cedars said.
"Even if a God as described in the Bible does exist, he is not fit for worship due to his low moral standards."
I think Dear Abby had it right all those years ago:
"Religion should not be a museum for Saints. It should be a hospital for sinners."
In the Kingdom Hall it is a Star Chamber.
More fuzzy, feel-good Biblical stuff to rescue adult men and women from the need to take the courageous step of assuming personal responsibility for their lives - rather than hankering for the Big Guy in the sky to smile sweetly upon them and their foibles. Oh how nice the "God" of the Bible is somerciful and gracious. The same God who rampages endlessly in scripture about his jealousy and determination to exterminate the disobedient (oh, and who ordered his shrinking chosen ones to massacre people who dared occupy the land "He" had given to his chosen ones?
While you're at it, post this warm nod to sinful humanity in the libraries of all the other fundamentalist churches.