Worldwide meeting times and locations now available on ''''

by ThomasCovenant 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThomasCovenant

    Apologies if this has already been posted, but just noticed on that as well as a 'convention' search there is now a 'meetings' search.

    My hometown congregation is there along with address and times and phone numbers

  • LostGeneration

    Yeah I saw that with the phone numbers, a little surprising giving out that info that easily. I guess it all part of the new love the WT has proclamed for the internet....I'm sure Moshe could have a lotta fun with that list!

  • Knowsnothing

    Wow, that is weird. They are really going to start relying on the internet now.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    WOW! Now if you want to mess with some unsuspecting cong somewhere you can plan ahead.

  • notjustyet

    I would not go directly there from here and then do a look up for your own hall to see if it is listed as,I'm not sure, they can tell what site you just came from and then possibly link that to your search of a particulat hall.

    I'm just saying that technology is moving forward and this might be possible.

    Any more tech savvy people have any input on this?

  • slimboyfat

    Google maps links and everything.

  • NomadSoul

    Lol Like that's going to help them recruit.

    Edit: I take that back. From a business point of view this was actually a good move.

  • PrincessCynic

    NOTJUSTYET: or you could go there from this site and look up a completely random congregation, just to mess with them

    Do you think they might get worried if they saw that a huge number of their visitors were visiting apostate sites also?

  • DT

    I'm glad to see that there is finally a place for people to look up their local congregation so they can either call or write and ask to be put on their do not call list.

  • factfinder

    Thanks for the info!

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