Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion
by Cameron_Don 11 Replies latest jw friends
I have been able to get my post to show up. I'll try Google Chrome this time...
The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Russian officials in Moscow have violated the Witnesses’ right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.”
It is interesting that while officials of the Watchtower Society are able to notice when others violate the “right of freedom of thought, conscience and religion” of Jehovah’s witnesses, they apparently are unable to notice that they too are guilty of violating these same human rights to Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Unfortunately, Witnesses will not realize that they don’t have these freedoms unless they try to exercise them. – See “Captives of a Concept,” pages 104, 105
Don Cameron
It worked this time - finally!
Above I meant to say rthat I was UNable to get my post to show up.
OK now I see it
Just consider your first tries to be your invisible parousia on the board, Don!
Yay! ;)
Hey Don!
It defies belief that an organisation can legally secure the rights it denies its members!
The legal system's admiration of the Watchtower's track record in securing "freedom of religion" is grossly misplaced.
If only they knew how badly the whole world was hoodwinked by Hayden C Covington's very flimsy "legal" booklet and strategies.
*** w51 1/15 p. 43 New Legal Booklet Well Named ***
SPEAKING on “Defending and Legally Establishing the Good News” at the Theocracy’s Increase Assembly in New York city, July 31, 1950, counsel for the Watchtower Society strongly emphasized preparedness for the world-wide persecution certain to come before Armageddon. He said: “I warn you to be ever ready for battle. . . . Hate will rise to a fever pitch against us.” He then released the new legal booklet Defending and Legally Establishing the Good News.Two simple questions in court at the time would have proved that Watchtower religionists have no idea what the full true and unabridged "good news" is:
"Please explain to us what the 'good news' is in one word, and one sentence."
"Please explain the 'good news according to Paul' to us from your heart." (More than half the Bible's 152-odd references to the "good news" are by Paul).
When doorknocking Watchtower religionists are not preaching the "good news" but rather socially destructive supremacist legalism, moralism, ethnocentrism and Gnosticism. It is a travesty that they have secured the legal right to do this on such blatantly dishonest and false grounds.