Sorry for the lame jokes to come guys, but I just saw this commercial, and thought "Well THAT would keep them off my porch". I suppose we will always filter the world through our JW experience to some degree.
Some Ways to Keep Them Away From Your Door
by NewChapter 12 Replies latest jw friends
A guy at work who never was a JW. He wanted an efficient way to keep them away. Told him to them he was disfellowshipped.
It worked.
LOL! That would certainly work. Maybe a sign JW APOSTATE RESIDES HERE, would work better than the No Trespassing signs.
If JWs only knew who was waiting for them at the next door--, they would just go home--
Hey LouBelle!
If this catches on every house could become DNC or DF - that'd be a real problem for the GB, but the R&F might appreciate going for a walk around the block.
The surest way to keep those witlesses from your door, forever, is to invite them into a dedication ritual to Satan. Have prayers written on paper renouncing Jehovah/Allah, Christ, and his holy spirit and dedicating your soul to Father Satan. One copy each per witless, plus your own. Light a black candle (if you can't find black because Christians put pressure on stores to make them unavailable, use blue or red). Have a needle or lancet (or several--if you reuse them, sterilize them with rubbing alcohol and heat from the candle flame between each use. Now, invite them to dedicate their souls to Satan. It helps to have a Ouija board and/or Tarot cards in plain sight while doing this.
Be warned, that if you are fading, you WILL get disfellowshipped for doing this. I believe that open worship to Satan is the surest way in that religion, if you are caught, to get disfellowshipped. And you will probably not get reinstated, since a dedication to Satan is permanent, and you are deliberately renouncing the holy spirit. Also, do not attempt this if you are not 100% sure that you never wish to be Christian again, since a real dedication to Satan means you have renounced Jehovah, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit forever.
Which might not be such a bad idea, if you are prepared. Once you know what a scam Christi-SCAM-ity is, and what a spiritual killer it is, and that the LIE-ble is full of stolen and corrupted material, it will not take long to realize that it is worthless and what you are renouncing is rubbish.
Pams girl
Hahahaha, that door knocker is awesome, where the hell can I get one!!! Im laughing so much I think I just did a lil pee pee....excuse me......
Some lovely black candles in stock here.
There is a poster on here that for the life of me I can't remember his screen name, that had really funny "apostate" tee shirts etc. He came to a meetup a few years ago and he told me he had a little sign in the window next to the front door that said "JW Apostate Headquarters." lolololol. That would do it.
I thought his items were so clever he could have a mini business in this community.