It is to obvious that they are working thier butts off to fill 32
Latest Awake proves lopping off 16 pages will be no loss
by therevealer 11 Replies latest social current
wha happened?
ya know I thought of something. How do u fill 32 pages of with mindless dribble about the origin of the tangerine? You can't put anything heavy in there as people might take that as a hint and do their own research. Maybe even look into that place. The library or the internet or something. So now it's much more easier to only fill 16 pages with mindless articles such as the origin of the thimble.
Maybe JWs will have more time to research things and discover apostate material instead of reading watchtower and awakes. The only people who read the watchtower are the devout hardcore pioneer type which is like less than 10% of the congregation.
breakfast of champions
Mindless dribble? Hey now! The tangerine and the thimble have both proven to be invaluable items in mankind's history. It's these sort of disparaging remarks regarding tropical fruit and sewing accessories that make me rethink my membership here at JWN.
Mindless dribble? Hey now! The tangerine and the thimble have both proven to be invaluable items in mankind's history.
Life was hardly worth living before Awake! enlightened me about the resplendent quetzal.
Annddd . . . these are all subjects not covered in Readers Digest yet!!
After the meeting a couple of weeks ago, 5 or 6 of us were talking after the meeting and the subject of the new Awake came up.
I said "Wow, the Society has said that reading the Awake gives a person the equivalent of a College Education. I guess now with the new Awake, we only get an Associates (2 year) degree.
Most laughed. The elder and another brother just gave me the "look" and changed the subject. LOL
Rub a Dub
Mr. Falcon
HAHA nice Rub a Dub. Awake! make Highlights seem like the Utne Reader.
“Lisa Simpson: Can you afford to miss an issue of the ‘Utne Reader?’”
Sic Semper Tyrannis
And to think I actually preferred to read about tangerines and thimbles in Awake! rather then suffer through the dogmatism of the Watchtower. There was this useful article about calligraphy which started me on that hobby. They would actually do themselves some good by re-tooling Awake! as some sort of "current events" publication, of course with a Witness slant to everything. What does the WT think about the revolt in Syria? I'd read it just for kicks.
I learned in an old 1960s Awake that an American muscle car was every bit as dangerous as a loaded gun.
So, I bought a German sports car instead - which, I guess, is as dangerous as a fully loaded Luger.