...the reason being is that you will see how it all works...it is very scary and it will definately make you doubt. This maybe about scientology, but just replace that word with jehovah's witnesses and there is absolutely no difference.
Do not watch this video if your a devout JW
by iamwhoiam 10 Replies latest jw friends
breakfast of champions
Will check this out later. .
Wow ...iamwhoiam... thanks for posting that!
Made me reflect back years ago when I was brainwashed to believe "we" were the special people who knew everything! The only hope for salvation was what we preached.
Omg, scientologists are kept in by blackmail, the same way ... they hold our famlies hostage. Same threat of shunning!
So very UGLY! Just makes me want to expose the watchtower all the more.
Very good video. In it, he proposes that scientology has about 10,000 to 30,000 members, but no more. He bases this on the largest "conventions" were 10,000 people showed up; to about under 30,000 people based on the sales of a new machine. He likens that Scientology is really falling in numbers, due to the Internet (Techno age).
In thinking about it, WTS is also falling. But, they were around longer and have a larger "pre-Techno age" base to start out with. So, there are still millions of them. But, it is dying.
He talks about how the religion sells 'Certainty', which is very seductive.
Wow, that guy should do movie trailers or radio advertisements.. he'd be set for life!
Thanks for that IamwhoIam. The cult catchphrase of having certainty. That's why my mother joined the JWs when I was a kid, (and why thousands of others join of course). Any JW who watched this though, would jump on things said like: 'We don't charge any money to join or do levels of membership. We don't rip people off like that.'
Remember the newspaper article in the UK recently about JWs calling ex-members mentally diseased? I think it was on JWR I read about an exJW who decided, when speaking to an still-in JW to talk to her about this newspaper article about a religion (she didn't say what religion) who calls it's ex-members mentally diseased etc. The JW woman was saying how terrible that a religion would treat others that way. Then - when the exJW said the article IS about JW Org - the JW woman said: well it must be the right thing to do then - the WT Society is divinely governed....
Was at the Australian Cult Info&Family Support conference in March. Heard plenty of testimonials from various ex-cult members, both Christian and non-Christian. Some of these ex-members joined as young adults, very well educated with multiple university degrees, from loving families. They had it all. It's hard to know why some fall for this kind of mentality. However, I think the point made early by this ex-Scientologist - about the 'certainty' factor has a lot to do with why people convert. For those born in, their brains' hard-wiring doesn't get exercised via new (outside) experiences, so (the theory goes in research so far) they haven't developed skills to think critically. The brain needs new and varied experiences - it needs exercise to function properly. JWs don't allow their members to think critically or think outside the square. Poor people.
Steven Hassan's book on mind-control by cults.
Thanks again IamwhoIam. Hope this helps anyone here who's sitting on the fence to wake up.
Oh damn, I thought you would be showing some newly defined abhorrent material.
Found Sheep
I wish this could be manditory watch for all High School Kids
"When you get to the State Of Clear, you are now Homo Novus and no longer Homo Sapien"
In my opinion, laws need to be enacted to remove the destructive nature of these groups. Any group that prevents you from seeing your friends and family, that abuses their members, that prevents its members from life saving medical treatments needs to be dealt with in the legal systems.
Scientology.... the Jehovah's Witnesses for rich people.