is it me or is it i been out to long to remeber but terms like - grace, jesus being immanuel, gospels, epistles. etc they have a lot of meaning to christians yet all i truly remember is jesus being ark angel, the messiah, undeserve kindness, greek and roman scripture, etc.
Christain terms I never heard of as a Jehoavh's Witnee??
by Butterflyleia85 38 Replies latest watchtower bible
The WTS definitely has a vocabulary all its own.
If something goes fit their theology, they don't mention it.
They also change terminology somewhat from time to time, which makes it easy to spot JWs who haven't been keeping up with "present truth."
how bout
faithful and discrete slave class
Ministerial servants
Super friends
Governing body
The meetings
marriage mate
loving provision
just a few
Sorry I was on my Blackberry when writing that post. It's hard to write and doesn't have caps, I'm on my hubby's computer now. :)
Anyways, yeah I was reading a book called Letters From A Skeptic by Dr. Gregory A. Boyd and came across the word "Immanuel"!! Gee that word again was mentioned at a Christmas song at my mother in laws church.
I'm now thinking what other terms do we not use that Christains do use.
How about;
Jehovah Radja (spelling)
- GRACE or unmerited favour (undeserved kindness)
- Gospel (the "good news") - although appears frequently in publications
- "the truth of the good news" (Gal 2:5)
- IMPUTED righteousness (justification)
- IMPUTED holiness (sanctification)
- IMPUTED sonship (adoption)
- IMPUTED friendship (reconciliation)
- IMPUTED sinlessness (forgiveness)
- IMPUTED eternal life (salvation)
- IMPUTED freedom (liberation/deliverance)
- Exorcism (liberation/deliverance from spiritual captivity)
- Bondage (spiritual captivity/slavery/control)
- IMPUTED perfection (restoration)
- IMPUTED victorious conquering of Satan, sin, sickness, suffering and death (believers ruling as kings and priests, or being "seated in heavenly places" while yet on earth and yet sinners)
- Spiritual unfaithfulness/adultery/fornication/prostitution (apostasy or heresy)
- Message (prophesy)
- Messenger (prophet)
- Jesus' birth, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, appointment as high priest and king at Pentecost 30AD - all missing from the "good news" Watchtower religionists believe and teach (ask the next "publisher of the good news" who knocks on your door to explain to you what the "good news" is).
- New Covenant scriptures, or New Testament scriptures
- Bissar (the name by which the gospel should be known to SBNR Jews)
- Injeel/Injil (the name by which the gospel should be known to SBNR Muslims)
- The KINGDOM defined as "God's eternal, victorious and redemptive rule, reign and authority over those redeemed by Christ" (paraphrase of definition by Greg Gilbert in his book "What is the gospel")
- The "gospel of God" understood as the "Abrahamic Promise/Covenant/Testament" and as consisting of the "gospel ABOUT Jesus" plus the "gospel ABOUT the Kingdom" (Acts 8:12).
Wow thanks for sharing Fernando, very interesting. Why do you use the word "Imputed"?
I've heard Jehovah's Witness when I was in use the terms, righteousness, holiness, eternal life, even freedom! ha (drink lifes water free is what they say all the time... poison is what I say. ha)
Is Exorism the same as what they have on tv and movies and stuff? lol Just curious. My husband's great uncle is a missionary and has done exorisms supposely... I never seen it but my husband mentioned it, and says he don't like talking about it.
The other terms are a bet new to me... I think I heard it in movies or tv shows briefly.
Thanks for sharing Fernando.
thanks 2tone... rapture ... I heard of that in music and tv shows. ha but yeah i don't think Jehovah's Witnesses talked about it much in thier talks.
Hey Butterflyleia85!
At some stage on the journey believers come to spontaneously and independently understand that all these priceless items are given as "free gifts" which due to our fallen state (spiritually bankrupt, nothing in the bank) we simply cannot earn, deserve or pay for these things.
God puts Jesus' righteousness into the bank account of anyone who will accept and then COUNTS them as righteous, thereby IMPUTING a perfectly righteous condition to them which actually does not yet exist, but will in the future recreation. This gives God the legal right to start transforming us from within - as opposed to the externalism, legalism (rules), moralism (codes), ethnocentrism (doctrines) and Gnosticism (knowledge) of the Pharisees.
Similarly all my sins (dysfunction) past, present and future were legally IMPUTED to Jesus at his death. Done deal. Nothing more to pay, ever.
Pharisees will however have none of this since then they will not be able to CONTROL the sheeple and put them on a performance treadmill to nowhere since it is not possible to perfectly live up to an external set of rules, laws and codes.
This is why the most sincere and honest sheeple feel so unworthy, whilst the Pharisees wallow in their (vain and worthless) self-righteousness.
This is how God has secured our salvation. A ransom price was paid. We are not required to pay anything. We cannot supplement this ransom. Trying to supplement it is saying that God did not know what he was doing and the ransom was not valuable enough - demonic teachings.
There are so many scriptures in Paul's writings where this thinking dominates.
He continuously rails against Phaisaic (religious) efforts to earn salvation or righteousness.
Paul was against "works of the law" (performed to earn merit).
James was in favour of "works of faith" (the good things we naturally do when God has purified our hearts by faith).
As to exorcism, well a complicated subject, but again in simple terms there are two types. Religious (not of God) versus spiritual (by means of God's message the "unabridged gospel").
I have benefited from ignoring the theatrics (HOW) of the deeply disturbing exorcisms performed by Bob Larson. Instead I paid attention to WHAT he was doing and learnt some valuable principles such a intergenerational spiritual strongholds (legal rights) especially rape, fear, shame, guilt, and the power of affirming the guilt of the perpetrator whilst forgiving in the heart (not necessarily extending forgiveness in person). I hope to learn more in future.
I have concluded from a friendship with one of Bob's subjects (a lady) that his exorcisms do work in part, but lack a follow through of the full "unabridged gospel" leading to unresolved, further or ongoing problems in the subject.
It is very easy to cross over from doing "the Lord's work" to the "devil's work". A wrong attitude. Drawing attention to myself. Putting myself at the centre instead of Jesus. Leading sheep to a human or human organisation instead of Jesus. Bob sadly has fallen into the trap of seeking and getting too much attention for himself and his method instead of deferring to Jesus. The Watchtower is a gross parody and caricature of this very human failing of self-importance and self-aggrandising.
Exorcism can be defined as "casting out (metaphorically)" or "casting off (literally)" and "legally freeing the mind (and body) from demon control (possession)". A key element of this process is IMPUTED sonship (or adoption). This is where we are legally and spiritually transferred from the authority of our evil step-father satan to the family and authority of our heavenly father on the basis of hearing and accepting the full or "unabridged gospel". This is the greatest legal custody battle ever.
This is why the Watchtower says we cannot be "sons of God". Consequently the "father" Watchtower religionists speak of is in reality the devil who transforms himself into an angel of light. Tricky stuff and difficult to unravel. Jesus made it easy though by telling us that by their fruits we would recognise them. One of these fruits is the deleting of so many Christian terms as your topic discusses.