Ohhhh, the story of Dinah is so morally uplifting:
2 When Shechem son of Hamor the Hivite, the ruler of that area, saw her, he took her and raped her. 3 His heart was drawn to Dinah daughter of Jacob; he loved the young woman and spoke tenderly to her. 4 And Shechem said to his father Hamor, "Get me this girl as my wife."
Was it rape? Hmmm, it says his "heart was drawn to her", and "he loved her" AND "spoke tenderly to her". Is that LUV in the air I smell?
In the cultural context, that's not suggestive of "rape". The story is NOT about whether she gave consent or not, or put up a fight: a women giving consent for sex is a modern concept projected onto an ancient story.
The REAL offense of Shechem was the breach of protocol of the marriage process, with the males and patriarch NOT giving their consent. Never-mind Dinah's honor and feelings (i.e. whether she liked the guy or not: that's irrelevant, as again, a woman's right to choose their marriage partner is a MODERN CONCEPT automatically superimposed onto an ancient story where it didn't work like that). This is ALL about an insult to the MALE'S egos: it was THEIR honor was attacked.
Other lesson from the story:
Deception, and negotiating in bad faith is OK, when there's familial honor on the line.
In this case, Dinah's brothers pulled the oldest trick in the book: get the party that insulted your honor to circumcise themselves, and when they're still in pain and unable to fight back, KILL THEM! Afterwards, take their land, cattle, women, etc.
Then the capper is how Abraham chides his sons for their actions, but NOT because it was morally-wrong to avenge the family's honor, etc, but because it stirred up trouble with the other inhabitants of the land! The brother's defense? "Should we just let them others trat her like a prostitute? (when it's really about her being THEIR slab of meat to be used to enter power alliances via marriage)". It was ALL about their male honor.
So those who are asking if it was rape or not are COMPLEATLY (sic) missing the bigger picture here. It's misogyny, pure and simple, reflective of the mores' of a collection of Ancient Near East hunter-gatherer goat-herders.
Oh, man: gimme some of that ol' time religion!!!