Since I don't believe the entire universe and (100 billion?) parallel universes in the multiverse (physicist Michio Kaku) were created for nothing - I say forever.
Worth mentioning that I believe, like Kaku, that we will gain access to dimensions above space-time allowing us to travel infinite distances in zero time to visit our relatives and friends anywhere in the growing and limitless multiverse of universes, galaxies and solar systems.
If this sounds far-out, may I say I understand that physicists have already travelled to 11-dimensional hyperspace via mindbending mathematical culculations. Not that my mind is able to go beyond say the 4th or 5th dimension (just after space-time).
I reject the Watchtower's closed-minded notion that this earth is all we'll ever have and populate. What in the name of the multiverse is the purpose of the rest which dwarfs earth into almost nothing?