I have been listening to a variety of podcasts over the past couple of months raging from Christian based to to various skeptic and atheist ones. So far I have come across two podcasts where former elders of JW's were interviewed and both of them mentioned that when it came to judicial situations involving issues of a sexual nature, that one or more elders often asked for way more detail than was necessary to ajudicate the situation. I know that was true in our congregation, but I assumed we just had a kinky elder who liked detail. Is this a common occurence in the org?
Does every congregation have a "perv" elder?
by donny 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
some congregations have more than one
Hazarding an educated guess based on an in-depth and firsthand experience of the whitewashed graves phenomenon caused by religious externalism I would suggest an average of at least 2 seriously perverted sex maniacs on each body of Pharisees ("elders").
Consequently some congregations may have none whereas others may have 10.
At any rate 2 X 100,000 congregations equals at least 200,000 seriously demented wolves in sheep's clothing salivating over the next potential fix (piece of meat). Animals. Bastards (literally born outside of a legitimate spiritual union).
Just to be clear my wife was raped for 7 years from age 6 to 13 by such an animal who has served for decades as a "faithful" Pharisee and I imagine continues to.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Got a few in my hall.
I don't think this is isolated either, because you've taken a group of extremely sexually repressed men and given them power, complete authority and a hiding place; it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out what's gonna happen next.
@Fernando: I hear ya, every born-in girl for the last twenty years or so has been, at the very least, molested.
I would say the general answer is yes. As mentioned, you have men who are repressed sexually (see porn letter) and you add to that a situation where young women and men are doing what we all want to do in our late teens. Recipe for disaster.
It must be added though that the pharasaical nature of the flock book adds to the problem. If there isn't a full out admission of sex by the victim of the JC, it opens the door for the elders to grill them about the details, all in the name of supposedly determining if it was either 'loose conduct' or whatever their current definition of 'pornea' is at the time. The GB deserves a healthy portion of the blame in this area.
I think it all depends on the person on the hot seat. If it is a young female then the elder body becomes deeply interested and concerned in all the graphic details. If the sinner is an unattractive obese elderly man that slipped into Tijuana for a quickie then the body has no desire for a visual picture.
I had one. I was DF'ed at 14 for (gay) immorality. Got driven home from my JC by a middle aged and single elder, who made a point of stoking my thigh while he told me that I'd always be welcome back in the congregation, should I just repent.
I can't answer for sisters experiences under pervy elders, but not one of them wasn't 'strange' in some disturbing way, and can well imagine the grilling given to young sisters.
I don't remember if we did at the kh I attended for six years. But the ones before that one, for sure there was at least one creepy perv roaming around. One of my JW girl friends had a crush on a thirty something elder, single... and of course they had a fling. She was 16.
"I don't think this is isolated either, because you've taken a group of extremely sexually repressed men and given them power, complete authority and a hiding place; it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out what's gonna happen next."
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb, as a collector of classic quotes, this is another that has been instantly added to my growing collection! Thank you!
Magwitch, show me the person that can put up an honest argument against such a piece of priceless logic - what a truism!
Now imagine if an enterprising "young female" had the forethought to prepare video evidence of the graphic details, real or demo version - 3 copies which each salivating Pharisee could view at his leisure: "here this will anwser ALL you questions" she says as she leaves the room...
Or even a few days before the star chamber (JC): "brother Randy, I know you'll likely have a few questions for me on Tuesday night - maybe this will take care of all you want to know..."
At the JC: "brother Randy please could we analyse scene 7.2 which deals with 'oral sex between married persons' in the light of scripture..."