With the advent of cyberwarfare on the rise among nations with little to no reprecussions because of the hidden nature of the enemy the WTBTS should be building an aresonol of software. Surely they are doing this to combat enemies of the true religion. y
Theocratic Warfare is easier with the advent of cyber warfare.
by Momma-Tossed-Me 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I watch it all.
If anyone is sophisticated enough to cyber thwart adversaries it would be ruthless Scientology and they can't do nuttin bout it.
We apostates utilize wack-a-mole guerilla tactics with many diverse pages,blogs and links.Every EX JW harmed by the WBTS should put it up on the web even if it is only a few paragraphs on your face-book
I have MANY blogs,pages up for over a decade now,Hey Watchtower who am I come and get me....
Would it not be possible to cause some aggro to the official site, if we all hit it at a particular time say, and caused it to crash ?
I don't know, I am an old fossil and not very 'pooter savvy.
If the $$$ was there no doubt someone could hire a nice little botnet and do a DOS attack or even hire a hacker to do more than that.
the WTBTS should be building an aresonol of software. Surely they are doing this to combat enemies of the true religion.
Yes, M-T-M .....
An insider in the IT department at Bethel told me that they are working on several advanced software systems, primarily with some brothers at a technology company associated with the branch office in India.
He said that it will soon be available to brothers in good standing in the congregation worldwide. The theme will be the Truth vs. Apostates and visually it will be quite similar to Angry Birds.
Rub a Dub
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Theocraptic warfare = Poo flinging contest.
I wouldn't be surprised that they are stockpiling digital poo for flinging.
Phizzy, you mean a DOS attack. It takes time to build up enough computers to do that. Not to mention it's illegal. Oh, and not enough users on here to create such attack.
Yeah that's what I said lol...
Thanks chaps, I thought that would be the case, not something we can do, I just love the idea of when the WT gets to rely solely on their website for virtually everything, there is a major crash of the site.
The Dubs would run around like headless chickens not knowing what to do, and claiming Satan was responsible.
It may happen in years to come, it will be so funny !
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