Birds custard, vodka, and Abba.
I am a moody bastard. What is your main vice?
by usualusername 26 Replies latest jw friends
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
I've got a bit of a short fuse and a hot head.
" I am Gemini and can be fine one minute and not so fine the next.. :)"
I'm a Gemini too but often folks don't believe me when I tell them so cuz I'm so quiet.
I talk too much.
I don't consider mj a vice, it's an Rx from my GP for my fibromyalgia and lingering traces of anorexia. I am a chocoholic, but that's also a med (85% cocoa if I can get it, and if not, I make meself a cuppa, using the real stuff) -- watch out folks,,, it's mui addictive!
Candy... especially Mexican chile candy :3
compound complex
I was a moody bastard, then I lost my religion. Now I'm a calm Gemini ...
My main vice is food but I've been on a diet for 3 months and I'm just so in control now that I can't believe I'm the same person as I was before the walls started closing in on me and the people who said they were my friends came after me and....
CoCo, who now has no problem discussing astrological signs
Billy Joel describes my vice in one of his songs: "Darling I don't know why I go to extremes, too high or too low, there's no in betweens..."
I am either passionate about something or I just don't care at all. So you can understand that when I was a JW I gave it my all, but now that I know the truth about the WT, I hate this organization with a passion...
bourbon on the rocks... makers mark, woodford, or knob creek..
Coco, you deserve a good woman to appreciate you, while you're still young enough to really enjoy.
This website...
It's very addictive!!