Westboro Baptist Church family disowns daughter
Westboro Baptist Church family disowns daughter
by Fernando 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They bash gay people. Yet they cry when I bash them for slavery, torture, and dragging people out of Africa so they can be treated like animals. They also destroy people's culture when they were minding their own business, forcing them to join their religion. They suppress sex, forcing hangups that do more damage than all the pedophiles could otherwise do (aside those doing it solely to ruin lives). They make problems with spiritual health, substituting the nazarene Jesus for your own spirituality.
On top of that, they put people in danger for their rubbish. Kidnapping, raping, and murdering children to get them into their church. Using children to shield them from exposure is despicable. Yet, they make such a big deal about homosexuality, and denigrade women for no good reason. I would say that forcing the LIE-ble on people, enslaving people, creating racism and sexism, raping and kidnapping children to get them into Christi-SCAM-ity, busting up families in the name of the Lord, and stifling real spirituality (and promoting this kind of hatred toward non-Christians) is at least a little worse than homosexuality, promiscuity, abortions, and even such things as incest and bestiality.
If this is Christ, I think I will answer to it with a great big
The daughter is lovely, the parents are wretched. Hopefully the media keeps exposing them. The Westboro Baptist Church group will have internal problems and destructiveness. That church certainly teach mind-control and it is so very saddening to see it in their children.
Uggggggg.....reminds us of JWs, doesn't it? Good for the young woman. She did not give in to hate.
A further thought-when the old man dies that is "in charge" of all the hatred, they will probably go through a period of dissention and power grabbing within their ranks. Hopefully some will see the hateful beliefs for what they are.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
It's a hate-based cult.
I'd recommend anyone to watch the two Louis Theroux documentaries on this cult, which bears some disturbing similarities to the way JWs operate. Both films were still on YouTube last time I checked if you try searching under "Most Hated Family In America".
I wrote a couple of blog articles examining the similarities on jwstruggle. Watching the films is an excellent way to introduce indoctrinated loved ones to the cult-mindset without incriminating JWs directly.
Beautiful young woman.
I would not be surprised if there is serious abuse within this community.
That's sad,teaching young children to hate. But,then,Witness children are taught all "worldly" people will be destroyed at Armageddon.