dropoffyourkeylee - you make an excellent point. The memorial figures are touted year-after-year as the potential growth "in our back pocket", but if NEVER comes to fruition. Why? Because the surplus is mostly former Witnesses like you and I who are only attending to appease family members. It may be that the Society realizes this, but continue to give that false impression because they want people to believe things are improving, when in reality - the Society has already started its decline, and the growth figures are next.
FatFreek 2005 - thanks for that point. It's interesting that the number of translated languages may have already started to fall, at least for Awakes. I guess this is inevitable with all the branch closures. After all, a key function of branch offices in most countries is simply that of translation. The less branch offices you have, the less facilities for translation. The only way around it is to start asking translators to work from home, which I believe they are already doing. This impacts on the quality of the translation, because articles and books are usually translated using teams of around five brothers working together at one desk to ensure total accuracy. Leaving it up to one brother working alone on his laptop (with Google just a click away) is a very risky business indeed!!
Thanks to everyone for the kind words, and thanks to Randy for letting me post on his excellent website!