There is a JW fraud, sex and murder story on 48 hours right now!

by serenitynow! 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    Very sad story to be sure.

    If I was an homicide investigator covering this case I would highly suspicious to the fact that a 32 caliber pistol was fired 15 feet from someone and

    that person says they didn't hear it or awoken from that gun discharge. The position of the supposed gun shot is also highly unusual for a suicide

    by gun shot. What a bugled investigation by the police department that was involved in the original investigation which they now openly

    admit. If there had been a thorough questioning to not only the husband but also all the teenagers that were there that night, as well gun power

    residue testing on everyone, that would have helped to determine if the gunshot was self inflected or not.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The bastard cheats on her, is married 4 times and his son is obviously a crankster. Did he do it? How can we know. If anyone was going to be the one it would certainly be that S.O.B. elder's exemplary son.

  • lilbluekitty

    Thanks for the link, watching now.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Man, I wish I'd seen that.

  • clarity

    Thanks Serenity

    & thanks to BlackSheep & blondie for the link

    Too bad the evidence was screwed up & destroyed, without it there was doubt.

    I kept picturing the jw husband & son in a KH setting and the words sounded hollow! And the mouths were saying "no, we don't shun", "no, we don't have a secret book" eyes with 'a deer caught in the headlight' look! yeah rite!

    The only real emotion was with the mother!

    Imagine a husband actually causing his wife so much distress that she would kill herself!?? where was his grief and sadness?

    He lied about his previous wife sleeping with him.


  • talesin

    FInkelstein - that's what I was thinking -- there were 3 people sleeping. The husband, and two sons. Anyone whose ever shot a gun, or been in close proximity to the shooting of one, knows that at least one of them would have woken up. Ann Rule is an amazing investigator, too. She started out working in a sheriff's office (or some kind of cop shop), and that is how she got into writing about true crime. I used to read her stuff many years ago.

    CE & Agonus -- you can watch it streaming on the link. I did, after the broadcast.


  • blondie
  • Finkelstein

    The entire 48 hours episode can be watched on line here.;storyMediaBox

    The other thing thats suspicious in this case is that Ronda was found in the closet covered with a blanket and it looked like she was lying down

    when she supposedly pulled the trigger, another highly unusual position or state when people do commit suicide.

    By this we are to assume that she got up to retrieve the revolver out of the draw, find bullets and insert them

    because the gun was unloaded, go back into the closet, close the door and lie down, pull a blanket over herself then pull the trigger.

    Thats just too weird. Also she had spoken to her mother and got prepared to leave the next day. Meaning there was a predetermined initiative to

    carry on in spite of her personal problems with Ron.

  • talesin

    Tx for posting the thread, Blondie. I noted Scully's comments, and I, too, was wondering how she could be a state trooper and a JW? I'm wondering, though, if the husband got DFd ,,, he was sleeping around, on his fourth wife now, son is a crystal meth addict, Holy Toledo, Batman!

    He also has a beard, and we all know that is verboten.


  • RayPublisher

    The mention of JWs comes in at about 8:30 or so.

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