Any more details koncept ?are they linking to Kingdom Halls ?
Videolink speech by a HQ member this Saturday
by Powermetal4ever 16 Replies latest jw friends
William Penwell
Do they still tell the R&F that this part is very important and not to miss it? -
Yup, three hour streamed show next Saturday pm. What fun.
Oh wow! I have never even heard of Kingdom Support Services, Inc. until today. My, how things have changed since I left! In doing a little googling, I found that they say it was established for construction and fleet management. Evidently, they run the KH constructions, and they hold the title to all of the Watchtower's fleet.
Is this a corporation they established to protect themselves legally? If so, how does it protect them? Is this something commonly done by religious organizations? Do they commonly establish separate corporations for different divisions of their religious order?
More tan 24 hours later I have now recovered from it. Yes it was linked to KHs, from a branch visit I guess, but surprisingly no GB member as mentioned.
It started quite good, with a lots of talk about personal freedom in matters that are not specifically described in the Bible. Such as eating meat sacrificed to idols in Korinthians. But it got much worse, when the speaker came to the subject of always obeying the faithful and discreet slave. Specially on the matter of higher education... (surprise?)
And after that I simply dropped my concentration.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
It started quite good, with a lots of talk about personal freedom in matters that are not specifically described in the Bible. Such as eating meat sacrificed to idols in Korinthians.
In actuality, that raises two HUGE problems for JW theology.
1) In 1 Cor. 10:25-30, this was Paul writing in 55CE saying that eating meat sacrificed to idols was a conscience matter... so "personal freedom", eh? But it was just a few years earlier in 49CE that the governing body decided in Acts 15 "to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols". So, in a very short time, something that was forbidden, to "keep abstaining from", had become a matter of personal choice. That means that what the governing body says today...
the speaker came to the subject of always obeying the faithful and discreet slave. Specially on the matter of higher education
...they may say that today, but it will become a matter of personal opinion. And remember, of course, that after the governing body decided that circumcision was no longer required, the very next event mentioned in Acts 16 was Paul circumcising Timothy. If anything, decisions by the governing body are something to be quickly discarded.
2) Of course, their acknowledging the validity of Paul's reducing the eating of food sacrificed to idols from being forbidden to being a personal choice would also reduce the validity of the command to "abstain" from blood. Once that phrase is discarded, the JW beliefs would roll back to what was stated after Noah left the ark (yeah, like that story ever really happened, LOL). There it was clearly explained that the blood was to be drained from a slaughtered animal you were going to eat. Since blood transfusions come from living donors and not dead animals, the WT prohibition of blood transfusions is trashed... Of course, WT has already trashed it with their bizarre "blood fractions" policy.
Thanks Billy the Ex-Bethelite for making me realise once again this whole cult sucks !