and it's getting dumbed down even further
Today's text 22 April 2011 Stay thick!!
by punkofnice 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
What do they mean by "deep spiritual truths"? I have been through enough of their rags, and found nothing except rubbish that is designed to make one think they don't know better. Some of those articles I could not sort through the rubbish and find any real purpose for it. Much is redundant. And none of it actually matters.
But it does keep you away from genuine spirituality. While you are wasting your time debating about which deal or class you fit in and what that is supposed to mean, your chakras are staying blocked. You are not improving your ability to communicate. Your self-control chakra is staying blocked (and, likely, you are staying fat as a result). (This, by the way, is the solar chakra.) Your intuition is rotting away. And your connection with your place in life (the root chakra) is weak (and they weaken it on purpose by sending people to "where the need is greater" and with that "traveler in a foreign land" rubbish). But at least you know what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger's take is on those various deals and classes--until they change it again.
With that line of reasoning, they may as well say that it's unimportant to take math, science, history, PE, or any health classes in school. Just get a fourth grade reading level and you're good?
Out of curiosity, how many of their daily texts have silly statements like that? Is it like a daily devotional that fosters dum dums?
The society tries to make anyone who doesn't 'understand' their doctrines feel inadequate. You're told that you need to study the deep things of God, to 'put it in prayer', to rely on the Organisation for understanding etc.
Basically if you have a question you cant resolve after these steps, the society says, 'you're too stupid to understand', 'you're spiritually weak, since God isnt answering your prayer', and 'you're rebellious'. So if they can't answer a question, you are stupid, worldly and a rebel.
For all the lurkers who are questioning various doctrines like 1914, blood fractions, overlapping generations, prophectic application of everything in Isaiah and Revelation to 1919 and Cedar Point Ohio, I offer this phrase to ponder:
"It's not too deep to understand, it's too stupid to believe"