Another post gives the stats that about 20 bethels have closed over the last 2 years. Lets assume that this continues at half the rate in another 10 years there will be few or a dozen bethels left. If theres no bethel in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and they all go thru Germany what chance does that give JWs in those lands to ever get a chance at the big bethel in Germany ? Wont this by definition mean the translating staff will be of lower quality because bethel is so far from the language home land and there might be a lot less in the homeland that speak that language ?
With all the bethel closures where are they going to find replacement GBs or writers etc ?
by mP 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Wasanelder Once
I'm sure some will be retained and since the magazines have become mere tracts they can have the translators remain in their country and use this new thing called e-mail. Amazing the things they can do today.
Rob Crompton
They could use Google Translate, perhaps? :)
Rob Crompton
Black Sheep
They don't need replacement GB members. Armageddon will be here before this lot dies off.
I do believe the last GB were recruited from DOs and COs brought into the International Bethel and observed for some time as they "assisted" the current GBs. So with the younger age, they have quite a bank to choose from.
wha happened?
oh I'm sure the earmarked the most loyal and hardcore followers from among the writting dept
Ever heard of telecommuting?
I do believe the last GB were recruited from DOs and COs brought into the International Bethel and observed for some time as they "assisted" the current GBs. So with the younger age, they have quite a bank to choose from.
[MEMO TO COs & DOs: Coming to the realization that you have been "called" to partake of the Bread & Wine would be an important step in climbing the Organizational Ladder.]
I guess the CO's and DO's currently being "groomed" for the future Governing Body at the NEW Watchtower Headquarters (in Warwick, New York) are part of the THIRD OVERLAPPING GENERATION?
It must be more difficult in future to recruit for editorial posts in the Writing Department. Articles can be written by a number of JW's, but to edit in such a way that the mind controlling element is present and above all to make sure that no actual truth gets through needs someone of a particular mentality and above all lack of conscience.
The person needs to have real hatred in his heart for the rank and file JW's so that he makes sure they get no hint that freedom is possible let alone preferable, he needs to know that 1914 and 1919 and the Blood Doctrine are all false, along with the published history that the WT do of themselves, he needs to have the ability to write in their style without vomiting.
Such callous heartless people do exist, but most of them are making shed loads of money in the real world, the WT may have to up the perks to engage such artful liers to the post of Editor.