1966 Book : Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God

by binadub 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • binadub

    Somewhat of a turning point occurred for me in 1966 when Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God book was released at the assemblies that year. This you may know was the book that calculated 1975 would end 6000 years of humanity on Earth possibly leaving the "thousand years" of Revelation to complete the 7000-year "creative day." Jehovah's Witnesses jumped on this implication as "new light" with enormous enthusiasm. The result was a spike in field service, pioneering, special pioneering "where the need was great," and missionary work the world over, as well as significant profit for the WT Society.

    As a convert rather than having been raised in the religion, I soon had seen JWs blindly believing anything in Watchtower publications without question. It bothered me that many born-ins did not understand their own doctrines, which had to be proved to me in studying to gain my confidence (e.g., hell, soul, new earth, etc.) So when this 1975 mania erupted I actually argued that the book was not saying definitely, they could not, and we should not be saying this at the doors when we would offer the book in the field service. But I was accused of having little faith.

    But to tell you the truth, there was something in that book that caught my attention that far-r-r outweighed the discussions about 1975. I thought some lunatic in the writing department had slipped something sly past the too-busy Governing Body. Nevertheless, I determined the book study of that particular page(s) was one I would not miss. I wanted to verify my suspicions of how gullible JWs were. It was soon after that I began fading, nevertheless hoping for "new light" on a number of things because I really did want it to be "The Truth." I'm going to quote those three paragraphs below, with only some highlighting added by me. Years later, even among exJWs, I had to carry the book with me to prove this had gone right over their heads. See if you see what I saw. QUOTE:

    22 Before God created anything new, a woman, God left the man free to determine whether there was a suitable companion for him among all the lower animals. He did not oblige the man to go seeking a companion among them, thus requiring the use of much time on the man’s part but Jehovah God brought the various beasts of the earth and the flying creatures of the heavens before the man. God gave the man the freedom to name these creatures. But the perfect man, created in God’s image and according to God’s likeness, was not inclined to bestiality. He merely acquainted himself, unafraid, with them and named them, but he found among them no suitable companion for himself. As a lone human on earth he continued to worship his God and Creator, not lower animals. He needed no command from God against animal worship. He had just the one law against improper eating.—Genesis 2:19, 20.

    23 After the man fully exercised his freedom to reject any of the lower creatures as a companion and helper for him, God acted. “Hence God had a deep sleep fall upon the man and, while he was sleeping, he took one of his ribs and then closed up the flesh over its place. And Jehovah God proceeded to build the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman and to bring her to the man. Then the man said: ‘This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman [Ishsháh], because from man [ish] this one was taken.’”—Genesis 2:21-23

    24 This reveals that God told the man just how the woman had been created, to show to the man that she was related to him in flesh and bone, for she was a part of him. Adam’s words on accepting the woman as his wife make plain that he exercised his free choice to have this woman as his helper and companion. She was the last one of the creatures that God brought to Adam to see which creature he would choose as his life-long companion.

    Source:Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God, pages 45-47, par.22-24 (1966)

    What could be the purpose of wasting three pages on this outlandish speculation?


  • Phizzy

    Fred Franz was nuts. He also knew much about what went on that was not in the Bible, or thought he did,whilst all the time telling the R&F witnoids not to go beyond what is written.

    The whole 1975 debacle sprang from him alone. It is my opinion that he deluded himself, he actually believed his own B.S , which is more than the cynical hacks in the writing department now, they know it is all a steaming pile of poo.

  • Fernando

    More evidence, at least from my perspective, of "spiritual insanity".

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    This is what happens when you take the words of the misogynistic JEP narratives in Genesis too literally....

    Issac Asimov spells out these obviously bogus conclusions in his book, In The Beginning - Science faces God in the book of Genesis.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    No wonder I never got baptised. That's just insane.

    Genesis 2:19, 20 is one of those many passages where the WTs logic is more loopy than the scripture.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    23 After the man fully exercised his freedom to reject any of the lower creatures as a companion and helper for him, God acted

    what freddy was saying was that adam had free will to choose a baboon or a panda as a mate!

    gee aren't we lucky! imagine what we might have looked like...


  • binadub

    Aussie Oz: That's precisely what I realized he was saying (the WT interpreter, not the metaphoric Genesis). Adam "had only one law" against eating, so it would not have been a sin if he had chosen a chimp for a mate.

    What bothered me more than the writer's ridiculous interpretation of what was not written was the fact that I seemed to be the only one in the congregation who noticed this insanity. They were all too focused on the 1975 speculation.


  • exwhyzee
    what freddy was saying was that adam had free will to choose a baboon or a panda as a mate!
    gee aren't we lucky! imagine what we might have looked like...

    It does sound like the book was implying that Adam went around trying out the animals to see if he could hit it off with any of them. I'm sure what was meant was he looked for a companion in a non sexual way, the way a faithful dog is thought of as ones companion. It seems like Adam's future was wide open at this point and Jehovah hadn't already decided to make another human. He wanted to see if Adam could do ok on his own first.It would have been biologically impossible to expect that with an animal as a mate, Adam would fill the earth with offspring and subdue it. Such a suggestion would have caused an uproar even with the most brainwashed JW.

    The strange thing is that this is all written as if the writer had some inside information or proof that it was all so. Witnesses read this stuff and went along with it....fpr them there was no need for any proof.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Someone in the writing department has some issues with farm animals, because I see this article, and I also think aboout the bovine dating article. Someone have a farm animal fetish?

  • oppostate

    Well, living sequestered in the cloistered life of Brooklyn Bethel may have lead to wild and speculative fantasies and titilating fetishes.

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