Wow. Just wow.
Loz x
by Alfred 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wow. Just wow.
Loz x
well done, Anony Mous!
I'm posting on this late, but absolutely yes. My buddy was an elder for years and he told me the stories. It never gets to the CO. In fact, THe PO, COBE, whatever bragged that the CO is only there for a week, and then he's gone. So how long do they really need to behave themselves?
I served as an elder for twenty years, and the answer is No not always open and truthful, often truthyness is involved (a Stephne Cobert moment)
I personally filled in (the Blanks) in Pub record cards, i have been in meetings were elders have said stuff that seemed like there were serving on an elder body in some kind of nirvana Cong of there own making. CO"s are gulity of hearing what they want to hear and sending in reports telling HQ what they want to hear.
Some CO's just would create problems, or be suspicious of them, and CO's were great friends that encouraged you.
We were trouble free, until the last ten years. Last year we must have had 10 negative announcements.
We would get chewed out for the pubs having low hours, not making shepherding calls you name it. Being put on display to see who would get parts at assemblies. CO visits were awful.
I do remember at that cong that after every CO visit, I mean every CO visit, they would announce that the shepherding arrangement is going to begin. It never did
The Elders will only reveal things if they think they will be blown out of the water. The problem with the CO's visit for the Elders is that many of the Sisters wait for the CO to visit, and then unload on him while in service, etc. Then during the Friday evening meeting with the Elders, the CO drops these bombs and the inquiries start. For certain Elders, it can all be down-hill from there.
I found them to be dishonest about most things so I guess not.