One sisters fanatic stunt makes my mission progressing...maybe?

by Cirkeline 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cirkeline

    I sooo much enjoy being with my girls after I got reinstated last fall. I use pretty much energy (days and nights) thinking on how to serve small drops of TTATT (the truth about the truth) to them without going to far and make them feel uncomfortable. We have a very good relationship now, and they have accepted that I very seldom attend the meetings, but it is'nt ruining our relationship. Last meeting was memorial, and before that on in december. Elders have tried to make an appointment for sheperding visit, but I have thanked no, in a nice way which for now has been respected. BTW, I made a thread on that subject, but its gone!? Did I break any rule or something? Well, anyhow,

    Then something helpfull happends.... I have a good friend who is an officially known apostate in my country. She has done some tv-programs, and been interviewed often, and has written a book about her upbringing, awakening, and exit from the cult. She's also a psycologist and have her own practice. Last week I "liked" her new facebook-profile on her psycologist-practice. The next day my eldest daughter texts me telling that a sister who we both are on facebook with, had unfriended me, her and my other daughter + 8 other JV-facebook-friends because I had linked to this apostate person. She argued that she might be the reason that some of her fb-friends accidentally would click on the link while "snooking" and get to read some of this apostates dreadfull stuff, she would not be found "guilty" of this, so better stop the chain. She wrote this to all of them, but not to me, the source. (Im sorry about my bad english formulating, I hope you understand the broad strokes) Another sister, her best friend, did the same, and she called me two days later saying she was seriously worried about me for sympathising with this person, and she urged me to go and talk to the elders to get some help!!!! And, if I did not go to the elders within a week, then the elders would be contacting me!!!!!!! So obviously she has taken this serious matter to the elders!!!Then she told me how much she loves me, and I mean alot to her and so on. I was prepared for this conversation because my daughter told me she would call. I just calmly thanked her for her concerns, that I liked her too, but I really could not see why all this fuss about nothing. And I have to tell, I did "unlike" this incriminating site just to calm people down and send the signal that I do not want to provoce. My apostate friend knows it does'nt change our relationship.

    So 6 of the 8 Jw also unfriended me without telling me why. But not my girls! Both of them thinks this is a crazy reaction by these two sisters. And my son in law were so p....d when he heard, he almost called this sister to tell her his thaugths about it in big letters. My daughter talked him out of it. My youngest daughter, to comfort me after this idiotic incident, invited me down to her that night and we had a great evening, dining out together. So this is a good thing! They get to see the fanatism, how some (many) are completely brainwashed and unable to think for them selves. But the best part: My apostate friend was interviewed in a two hours long program broadcasted thru out the whole country this saturday. The subject was ofcours JW. I had'nt told my eldest about it. Then, half an hour in the program she text me that she and her husband was listening to the program and they both think she's reasonable and objective about things!!! I can't tell how happy this made me! I had them over this sunday, we had a great time, but we did'nt talk about it. My youngest would'nt understand and accept it at this moment. But overall, I can feel especially my eldest, there is some increacing light opening her mind gradually. Of cours I know it can be a long way, but I really feel optimistic about it! Just wanted to share with you

  • baltar447

    Sounds like possible progress. Hang in there, they may awaken!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    After going to the trouble of getting reinstated, it would be a bloody shame if you blew it by putting the bogey man hat on before your girls wake up.

  • Sheep2slaughter

    Congrats! I'm recently reinstated myself and trying to gradually show my wife a different way of living apart from org. Best of luck to you!

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    sounds like progress to me

  • usualusername

    Well done!

  • Cirkeline

    Black sheep: I know, its a balance. Not to jeopardise my chances. I emphasize how important it is to accept and love the differences in people, respect different ways of thinking and living, not labeling and judge. And I feel that the message has been prospering in their minds. I know my eldest has been more aware of how the WT try to manipulate us to be judging people that dont agree in everything coming from Brooklyn. I have made my eldest aware of the loaded language in our literature, and she gets it. And she is perfectly ok with me having this apostate friend. She knows she is a good person. My next goal is to get my daughter to read her book. But that is longterm.

    S2S: Congrats with your undercover reinstatement. I wish you luck on your mission. My guess... Our type is in every cong. It would have been lovely if we could identify eachother. But I can only speak for myself. I get i little "paranoid" and watch my back not to be busted. I had second thoughts posting on this forum, afraid of being recognised by JW who know me. But the chances are very small anyone of my JW connections in my country read this. Thats why I chose this forum, far away from Scandinavia!

  • Balsam

  • Cirkeline

    A little update:

    One elder kept calling me over and over again about my contact with this apostate person. Sadly it was my best friends turning me in, so much for that friendship... And hav'nt heard from any of them since. And then I had to meet with two elders at KH.

    I wanted to explain over the phone what my relation was with this apostate (cours I had to denie any relationship) but I was cut off from saying anything. He told me it had to wait until I could meet with two elders in KH. I met with them, denied any relationship, and that was it. Took about 10 min.

    They were so relieved because they had been so concerned about it..... and they asked me why it was dangerous to associate with apostates, and I was a good girl and told them exactly what they wanted to hear.

    I will cheerish the day when I can tell them what I really think about this whole arrangement. It does something to you, having to lie straight into their faces, but then'nt that just what the WBTS has been doing notoriously since its inception? Well, I have to stay under their radar in the future untill I can walk away with my girls.

    I've had many good conversations with my eldest daughter. The UN history really shocked her. She is beginning to wake up, and so is her husband. It is beyond my wildest hopes. She does'nt want to do FS because she is not shure she wants to promote a message which she does not wholly beleive in. She is reading books about the origin of christendom and religion. If she wakes up, then it will be just matter of time before little sis follows suit.

    Little sis is still devoted, but I can see her struggling with on the one side wanting to be a zealous witness, and on the other side just wanting to be a teenager, spending time with friends, concerts, parties and do other normal teenage-stuff.

    I just got the "captives of a concept" today. Looking forward to read it, and hopefully hand it over to my daughter.

    I love this forum. It has helped me so much!

  • jws

    Is this your post? Looks like it got moved to the private section:


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