Funny you should mention that, Londo, 'cause the mention of a FEMA conspiracy brought back memories of Majectic 12, UNATCO, and nanotech. Good times.
Watchtower re "The New World Order"
by Nambo 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
have they ever once even mentioned the "New World Order"
Watchtower 1952 7/15/pp.432-437
“GOD-fearing people earth-wide are aware of the present disintegration of the corrupt old world society. Bible prophecies and the sign of the times prove conclusively that these old world systems of things will make their permanent exit in a low bow of total defeat in the immediate future. Fortunately for the generation of the righteous now on earth, Jehovah God in his great mercy and foresight has preserved a record of his divine revelations which contain a host of secrets pertaining to our present and future welfare. By the force of events many of these secrets are now being unlocked by the Great Interpreter himself. (Dan. 2:47) From these it is possible to obtain a clearing vision of the details which will operate in the new world orderof things. Actually the new order of things is already taking shape and will be fully operating at Armageddon time to fill the vacuum left after the cataclysmic disappearance of the old order. For this reason God’s witnesses on earth are now diligently studying the Holy Scriptures to fully examine the numerous shadows, principles, methods, procedures and systems employed by societies of God’s servants in Biblical times. God’s dealings with those ancient societies foreshadowed many developments in the new world orderof things.—Rom. 15:4, NW.
Watchtower 1952 11/15/pp.695-701
3 Note that John’s comments at John 1:1-13 run parallel to those of Jesus at John 3:16-21 (NW), to show this: The true light came into the world that people of all kinds might exercise faith in his name. It was open to the people to accept the light and for the world to be saved. It was not God who prevented them, or influenced them, adversely. But what happened? The world took no note of him. Men loved darkness rather than the light. However, there were some exceptions who did exercise faith in him. And what happened to them? Why, by believing in him who became their sin-bearer, as Jesus had just previously explained to Nicodemus, they would escape the destruction ultimately to come on the world in its judgment day, and, instead, they were given authority to become God’s children with the promise of everlasting life in that new world order, that new heavens and new earth where righteousness dwells.
4 But, you ask, if the world God loves so much was something far future from the day when Jesus spoke, why did he speak of God’s loving it in the past tense? The answer is, because God not only determined and set his mind on that new world order as soon as the need arose, away back at the time of the rebellion in Eden, but also set his heart upon it with unbreakable attachment and devotion. From the very commencement he loved it so much that he arranged and foretold long in advance the chief means by which it would become effective, the promised seed of his woman. (Gen. 3:15) His love was so great and unselfish that he gladly arranged and foretold concerning the bruising of the heel of that seed by the serpent. Not that God rejoices in the suffering of the seed for suffering’s sake; but, as beautifully explained: “It pleased Jehovah to bruise him . . . [to] make his soul an offering for sin, . . . He [Jesus] shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied.” As an outcome of this “travail”, Jehovah says, “By the knowledge of himself shall my righteous servant justify many; and he shall bear their iniquities.”—Isa. 53:10, 11, AS.
5 From the foregoing we can appreciate it is not an impersonal kind of love that God has for a certain arrangement. That new world orderunder God’s kingdom is made up of individuals, each of whom God dearly loves; first and foremost, the promised Seed himself, his own dear Son. Here is how Paul expressed it: “He [God] delivered us from the authority of the darkness [of this present world] and transplanted us into the kingdom of the Son of his love, by means of whom we have our release by ransom, the forgiveness of our sins.” (Col. 1:13, 14, NW) How ungrateful and unloving if we did not respond to such marvelous evidence of God’s love and undeserved kindness, and to such a glorious and appealing prospect as set before us in that most lovely of all things, God’s kingdom! Is your heart not moved and stirred? As we remind ourselves of these precious truths, do you not earnestly desire to become more and more in union with the God of love and with his kingdom under Christ, the full expression of his matchless love? As an aid toward satisfying that good desire, let us consider more closely the expression so frequently used by both Jesus and John, “in union with.”
"Watchtower". That is, what the angels use to watch mankind to make sure we do not advance spiritually. Jehovah and his filthy angels do not want us to know how the soul works, and those scum do not want us using powers to heal ourselves and society. Such a shameful term--no wonder the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery chose such a shameful term for its lead rag.