When I was five there was this beautiful young woman who came to our home Bible Study. Within a couple of months my mother told me she committed suicide in the washroom of the Witness couples's home while she was babysitting. Mom said she had emotional problems and was depressed over some guy.
It was a bizarre early introduction to this topic.
When I was in my teens, suicide is all I thought about and I told an Elder who studied with me..he said, "You have no right to commit suicide...It's worse than murder." I argued with him. He said,"Because you are taking your own life which you have no right to." Bizarre once again. Interesting that the cure for my suicidal thoughts was a denying of how I was feeling..yet again.
In the last few years I know of a Witness who committed suicide because he was dispondent over his separation/disappointing families/witnesses..he had not been attending meetings. Then a Witness killed himself just before Xmas 2 years ago in his mother's back yard...
In my case, I would say, having the Witness faith in my teens did give me a reason not to kill myself..It didn't solve my problems, but for several moments my just wanting to believe their God loved me prevented me from taking this tragic step.