I too have been charged with apostasy! Stunned.

by FinchAndWeston 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim_TX
    I put up Christmas lights in my backyard (visible from the front of the house) in May of last year.

    Those aren't 'Christmas' lights, they're 'security' lights.

    Yall need to learn how to spin the truth, like them jw's do.

    I've put up a string of white LED lights that are powered by a battery that gets recharged by a solar panel. I use them for on-at-dusk-off-at-dawn lighting. They run all year round. They aren't Christmas lights, and I'll tell anyone who asks me that.

    I, too, like the legal form posted by Black Sheep. I need to remember that one. I don't think I will ever need it, but... you never know.

  • Alfred

    Jim... that's what we plan to say if it ever comes up... I don't think we'll be asked because they know these went up in May...

  • rory-ks

    You have not associated for five years? You had coloured lights outside your house? That's all you know? If their letter says "We invite you to a judicial hearing to discuss allegations of apostasy," then ultimately it is a judicial committee to expel you for apostasy. Allegations would first need to be investigated, and then a judicial committee formed.

    Think before sending your letter of disassociation - that is the path they would prefer you take.

    Ignore it. They will have to do better than that.

  • 00DAD

    Just ignore their letter. Even responding is in some ways a recognition of their legitimacy. They will surely take it that way.

  • Sheep2slaughter

    What black sheep said is the way to go. I showed that letter to an elder I trust and be was very impressed. He said he would call the bluff and send notice in writting and see if they showed up with a lawyer. If they did he said he would abort the mission. One mans opinion; but isn't that what JCs are anyway. Mans opinion.

  • blondie

    Christmas season (December 24-January 6). Christmas Never in May. We have lights up on our porch all year long and white lights in the maple trees just like many places like Disney.

  • FinchAndWeston

    Thanks everyone for your comments. I slept on it and now I kinda feel a lot better.

  • Conan The Barbarian
    Conan The Barbarian

    A person needs to be counseled three (3) times on the subject of Apostacy. This is a guideline given to Elders. I sense that this is to limit litigation for acting too fast to disfellowship for Apostacy. Since you have been inactive for so long, I am very surprised. Further direction given to Elders is that when people have been away for so long, to just leave them alone if something comes up, like the Christmas lights. This whole thing is a function of the local BOE. There is probably a new Nazi that has moved in that you are unaware of. I wouldn't attend the meeting, but would send in a certified letter stating that you are aware that they want to meet with you, and you would like to have them identify the subject matter, and provide an agenda for the meeting. once this received, you will consider attendance. The matter should end at this.

  • AnnOMaly

    If the letter has no date for meeting up with you, I would simply ignore it (file it away, of course). Let them do all the chasing. Otherwise, do as others have suggested. Me, it would be something like a certified letter asking for details about what exactly the charge is ('apostasy' is too vague) and who the accuser(s) is(are) so that Matt. 5:23-24 and Matt. 18:15-16 can be applied. If they refuse to give those details, then I'd tell them that to me it's no more than idle gossip and rumor-mongering and I'm not wasting time on it.

  • uninformed

    Just like to share a personal experience:

    My wife and I left in June 2005 over the UN issue. A year later the elders wanted to know where we celebrated the 2006 Memorial, as they had heard we had our own.

    Because we had our own memorial, the elders were looking for an excuse to brand us as apostates, but they refused to put the charges in writing. I told them over the phone that until they put charges in writing I would not be attending the judicial hearing. After no little haggling I finally told them to "get what you are going to do done more quickly", an allusion to Jesus words to Judas.

    Thankfully, they went ahead and disfellowshipped us, for what I don't know. BUT, HONEST, IT WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. I AM SO HAPPY THEY DISFELLOWSHIPPED US. We finally got our lives back after 45 years for me and 55 years for my wife in that horrible place.

    For me, the only place for me is away from there----OFFICIALLY------I was 60, tried like crazy to reason with the WT and 'correct' their course, hoping that I would be the great MOSES to lead the people back to Jehovah. Being disfellowshipped for opposing their involvement with the UN was like being burned at the stake for owning a Bible in the dark ages.

    What a release it was to be cast out of that place. Truly it is an HONOR.

    Later one of the elders called and apologized for treating us so badly. That was the truth. They did, but I am so glad they did.


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