questions that defy JW logic No bible needed just a working brain

by thecrushed 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 3Mozzies
  • jemba

    How is it that out of 100s of thousands of people in Noahs day the only ones deserving life just all happened to belong to the same family? Similarly today the JWs that are going to be saved exclusively at armageddon just happen to be mostly born-in and families. Wouldnt this mean they had some kind of advantage by birth to come to the 'right' religion.

    Whenever a witless tried to understand this question they just couldnt get their head around what I was trying to say. Either dumb or didnt want to try and answer it.

  • Chariklo

    How do the JW's absolutely know that Adam was created in 4026 BCE?

    Are they sure it wasn't 4025 or 4027?

    Oh, so you say you can work it out from the dates you know from the Bible. I see. So, if Moses wrote his bit of the Bible, as you say, then how did Moses get those dates? I mean, just who was writing it all down way back in the Garden of Eden even before Eve talked to that snake? What did they write with? What did they write on?

    I actually did ask those questions. I was told not to ask. I was told that the Fathful and Discreet Slave knew everyth8ing and I shouldn't question Jehovah.

    But the faithful and discreet slave, that's not exactly the Governing Body, is it?

    So the Governing Body represents the faithful slave? So, how and why are the Giverning Body so sure of the exact dates? Who wrote it down in Eden? (Back to the top)

    This conversation really happened. Result above.

  • Phizzy

    Were the people who built the Temple in Turkey 11,000 years ago without sin ? ( they pre-date Adam)


    The reason that all civilizations all over the world have a similar flood account is because their ancestors took their stories with them when they got scattererd by GOD when He destroyed the tower of Bable . Before this event all mankind or the world as it states was conzentrated for the most part in that area.

    Also... There is a symbolic application concerning the clean and unclean beasts that were taken ... it all comes down to the spiritual man or those who new GOD and were faithful and those who knew GOD and were unfaithful to His laws and teachings .. the unfaithful are not the wicket since the wicket have not come to know GOD and are not sinners but need to be saved.

    You can only be a sinner when you turn away from GOD given principles that youv'e learned.

    Once you know Good and Bad then you become aware of what it means to sin.


    Adam was not the first human .. the bible even proves this in Genesis when one understands the symbolic language that GOD uses.

    Adam was the first being that GOD taught, he was the first piece of dirt or ground ( so to say ) and formed Him ( changed adam into a spiritual minded man in GODs image , meaning learning GODs righteous standards and wisdom ( the knowledge of GOD ) and not molding him like clay or playdo into a physical representation of GOD, since GOD does not have any literal or visual form as He plaily states in His word.

  • erbie

    I know it's late and I am indeed very tired but I think you will find that there is no JW logic to be defied.

    ? ;)

    Nevertheless I do know what you mean and it's interesting reading.


    JW's know symbology and on how to apply these towards scriptures but close their eyes and ears to the fact that they can also be used when understanding the 6 days of creation.

    I had many a times when I was called by the elders into the backroom for scoldings because I explained something on a deeper level ... was also told not to talk about the deeper meanings that I had come to understand with anyone until it came from the anointed. ... was told by the elders that they didn't know why I had these insights since I was not chosen and then was told that there would be consequences if I partook of the emblems, after that I wasn't called upon to answer questions anymore and sat there void of spirit for weeks until I had enough and walked away.

    I quess they are not interested in the spirit teaching them , that is why it feels so spiritually empty and lifeless in the halls, but the pioneers sure enjoyed my reasonings and deeper insights .. Oh well, let them eat their cake and choke on it.

  • Zordino

    Why are most of the worlds Jaydubs concentrated in "Christian" lands and not very much in very populous places like India or China? Is God a racist?

    Why are our genes 98.5% the same a primates? Were they God's practice try's before creating man?

    Why did God have to Kill every first born of Egypt just to prove a point?

    Why did God have to Kill all in a Global Flood and destroy almost all life when all he had to do is just put the wicked to sleep by stoping their hearts or something?

    Why doesn't God speak to humans anymore? He's supposedly has billions of Angels at his disposal, what the heck are they doing up there to pass the time??

    Why are such Major "Spiritual" Events such as Jesus becoming king in 1914 and Boozy Rutherford a co. being "Chosen" by him in 1918 all happen Invisibly?

    The List of Dumb JW Illogicalness can go on Forever.

  • Flat_Accent

    Seeing as our in-house JW's are too scaredy to come and answer these questions, I shall take on the challenge! (All answers provided by JW Parenting™)

    How did all the diversity and unique life that has been discovered in the past century in the south american rain forests and austrailia get from the Ark to there respective places?

    God controlled the animals and moved them where he wanted them. There may have been land bridges for the animals to use.

    If it was so important then why didn't God just recreate them instead of creating such an impossible task for Noah?

    But the task wasn't impossible, because Noah did it. Anything is possible with Jehoopla's* help

    If Jehovah is a perfect God then why did he create Dinosaurs just to then turn around and have them destroyed not once but several times? Did God really need an eraser on his creation pencil?

    Dinosaurs were created to tidy the earth before mans arrival, just think of them as the gardeners! Did you know soil is dinosaur poop?

    Why would a Loving God create Parasites that kill people everyday? Why would he create viruses?

    The original purpose of these animals was to help humans, maybe even to keep them living forever! Because we are sinful nothing works properly.Viruses are an extension of Adam's sin.

    Why would he create animals designed to rip flesh from bones if his purpose was for them to eat grass and be completely tranquil and peaceful with everyone.

    If Dinosaurs were the gardeners, then carnivores are the cleaners. Carnivorous animals will eat the dead bodies of animals in System 2.0

    Why do we see an ecosystem that strikes a perfect balance with all living things via predator or prey food chain system?

    It strikes a perfect balance because Jahuba edited the food chain system after the Flood. What else would you expect from God other than perfection?

    We now know that we are all related by our DNA. If we were individually created by god should not every DNA pattern be unique in everyway with no relation to any other creature? Yet we see that certian parts of our DNA are simply switches that have been turned off or discarded because we no longer needed them.

    An artist is known by his style, and his signature. Though each painting is unique, it follows a similar pattern. To be sure, DNA is the brush our loving designer used when creating all life.

    If birds didn't come from dino's then how the hell did scientists recently manage to manipulate genes found in chickens that are also found in Raptors to give them teeth?

    *ahem* You'll have to wait on Jobo for that one.

    If we are supposed to live forever then why have scientists found that the sun has a finite amount of expendable energy before it super nova's and destroys the solar system?

    Maybe our sun is different. You're not God, you don't know!

    If we are supposed to live forever why is it known that the Andromedia and Milkyway Galaxy will eventually murge there by destroying everything and then rebirthing into a new Galaxy?

    Actually I have to correct you on this one. The Andromeda - Milky Way collision wouldn't destroy our planet, nor our solar system.

    *some names have been changed

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