Cedars, good comment.
Of course the movie does "point fingers" at the Amish, but for us that's not a bad thing. Steven Hassan points out in his books that one effective device is to point out the flaws of whatever cult your loved one is in by talking about the same flaws in other groups. Generally people don't immediately pick up on what your doing and ironically can easily see the problem with the other group.
If and when they have their "aha" moment and finally see the truth about the particular cult they are in (in our case, JWs) then those other experiences which have been building on a subconscious level help them to clearly see how much they've been manipulated and mislead.
Recently I had a short conversation with my 17 year old son about the failed predictions of Harold Camping. I asked him why he thought people would continue to follow a man that had a record of failed predictions concerning Armageddon and Christ's Return. With out even blinking he said condescendingly, "They're on crack!"
Of course at the time I didn't point out the JWs are no different in continuing to follow the WT leadership with a much longer history of failed prophecy, I just let it lay there.
It's a process ... I'm trying to remain optimistic!