I was just going through some old files to delete and I ran across this one from our own beloved James_Woods:
There is another negative character aspect about Freddy that Ed Dunlap once related to me. Freddy was practically crazed with the desire to be president of the WT society. Ed thought that this may have clouded his judgement, (on such stuff as the 1975) in that he simply could not admit he was wrong about anything, for fear that if he were in need of a correction, it would hurt his chances for the big job. His biggest problem in those early pre-1975 idea days was that Knorr was simply living too long - Freddy was in fear that he would himself be too old for the job when Knorr finally succumbed. Hence, a sensational teaching like 1975 was right up his alley.
Ed told me that Freddy would get together a little select group of young bethelites and every so often (maybe weekly) hold a bragging session in the whirlpool - saying stuff like "well, they wanted me to do this or that, but I told them off because of so and so" and on and on. Quite the crackers. I think Ed was referring to the time of Franz final battle against the concept of an equalized governing body, which he hated because of his greed for power. More on that is in Ray Franz first book.
I really think that in many cases people can hasten their own senility by being delusional and combative in earlier life.
'member that James?
Quite a shocker!