I had tears in my eyes at work today. There was an arbor day celebration and some teenagers had some speeches and they planted a tree...most people would not be as touched by the events today as I was but one of the women recieving an award said that she was proud of these children because they were doingsomething good for the communtiy...and I was proud of them too, but I was sad for JW's who would think these children are "bad" just because they are not witnesses...or the JW who would not let their children associate with these teenagers or even be part of a "wordly" club..that's what made me sad, all those years I missed looking at the little beautiful things in life in a positive light and not the negative debbie downer way JW's look at things.
little things that make you see the "truth" about this religion
by lostinthought 11 Replies latest jw friends
Part of the controlling aspect of religious cults like this is to demean anything that is not being controlled by the
hierarchal leaders. The fear factor is a controlling mechanism to which religious organizations control and maintain their following,
without this aspect of control, many organizations like the Jehovah Witnesses would fall apart.
Religious cults similar to the JWS also dissuade their children from associating with non-members on a
platform that they are evil and dangerous to their said spirituality.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Yeah it gets to me when I think of all the missed opportunities I had to REALLY help.
That they demean anything that they have no control over is a very good point.
They waste their time because the only real way to help is to peddle the literature. Such a sham!
girl...i'm feeling the same way..it's such a pity
Not only that......but if a witness teen tried to get involved in a local community outreach program.....he would be chastized by the local elders for 1) getting involved with worldly people and 2) putting his trust in noble man instead of allowing Jehovah to take care of the earth. That one was used on me once. When I decided to get involved in the community.....the elders took the tone that it was not advisable because whether I am raising money for cancer research or cleaning up littered streets.....it is only a temporary fix.....whereas....if I used all that time preaching.....I'd be working towards a PERMANENT goal.
Neither the mags nor the local elders will tell you that you can't get involved in the community......but they will definitely urge you not to. It makes me sick that they will do their best to make a person feel GUILTY for trying to help other people out in the community
Yes....the negative view of all worldly people was one of the first things that I grumbled against, in my journey "out"
I had a public talk outline that said how "We must imitate Jesus, not godless worldlings"..by that time I knew some really decent,family minded people who worshipped God differently to me. I felt it was wrong to dismiss them so brusquely. I certainly did not say that in my talk...
Why are all outside causes viewed as wrong? It is only to keep the dubs separate and protect the WTS - to stop them seeing outsiders as ordinary, real people
As you say, just think what we missed growing up!
This is one of the MAIN things I really disliked about the WT&TS. After a while I started feeling like they were being very mean spirited and selfish, by having all that money and not giving back to the community their Kingdom Hall's were located at. They refuse to help anybody who is not a JW and they don't even help their own members - if they are in need of temporary assistance (lost their job, can't pay the light bill, no groceries, etc). They look to the local brothers and sisters to personally help them out (if that even happens) and really they don't even care what going on personally with their members, just as long as they don't miss an afternoon of field service pushing their rag-tag magazines.
No outreach funds, monies are there to help the community where the KH's are located or their members. They just horde all that money for real estate transactions, luxury overseas trips for the GB, UN dues and fees, building and construction, legal counsel and any other bullshit they can spend that money on that does not directly benefit their members or the community at-large.
The money they draw out of people is money that goes to building new KHs or renovate old Halls as well to financially support missionaries abroad.
Actually giving to people who are in great need doesn't come into the picture.
Other churches will create charity drives or organize participation in currant local events such as runs for cancer research etc.
The WTS just takes money for its own in-betterment and leaves the rest of humanity at the wayside.