I will say that the LIE-ble is the biggest piece of rubbish on the planet. It is nothing but stolen concepts that have been corrupted so no one can benefit. The originals may have been myths, but they were allegories that were meant to guide people to spirituality. The LIE-ble has corrupted them so it will not do this. Instead, there is the sense of gloom and doom, fear, shame, and guilt in the whole LIE-ble.
Without religion, people would have a sense of belonging. Wars would be fought to conquer land and resources, but not to corrupt culture and destroy religion (and would be much shorter). People would not be sent halfway around the world to do stupid missions to corrupt and destroy people's cultures where the people are minding their own damn business. (Here I am referring to right-hand path religion, since left-hand path religion does seek to develop spirituality).
Without right-hand path religion, sex would not be such a taboo subject. Sex play among children would be common (and bisexual); this wouldn't be such a big deal. Taboos would disappear, and you would see this energy being used constructively. Sexually transmitted diseases would be cured through science and magic (both working together), and perfect birth control would prevent unwanted pregnancies. Marriage would be to raise children, and what we know as adultery would not be a big deal. You would lose the blackmail "Don't tell anyone about our relationship" which causes the damage (along with the dirtification of sex in the first place). Sex hang-ups would disappear. And, there wouldn't need to be separate bathrooms for different sexes--that came out of religion.
Without right-hand path religion, there would be satisfaction. People would eat to satisfaction, without worrying about getting fat. Such as self deprivation and compulsive indulgence would be gone. Obesity, anorexia, and bulemia would not exist. And you wouldn't have such greed that people want something because someone else has it--they would be able to earn it if they really wanted something. This would prevent people from going into debt (and enslavement) trying to keep up with the Joneses.
Without right-hand path religion, people would learn to be genuinely compassionate toward others. Not the kind of "cheapened agape love" rubbish so popular among Christians, but love where appropriate. You would see charity where charity is deserved, and not where it isn't. The result is that opportunity would be easy to find, and people would be rich without taking from others. They would give a hand to those who are disadvantaged, often through the use of magic.
Without right-hand path religion, people would have freedom of speech. Rather than the phrases so commonly found in Christi-SCAM-ity, actual ideas would be communicated. This is how the Tower of Babel started out before the Almighty Lowlife Scumbag ruined the language.
Without right-hand path religion, psychics would outnumber non-psychics. Everyone would become psychic by the time they are 18, and church would exist to teach people. Monasteries, far from the dreadful rubbish dumps full of austerity and celibacy, would be used to meditate. You might spend a short time in a monastery to work on a chakra, or to develop a trait that is to your advantage. No more guesswork. And, with people being able to accurately predict things, the problem with gambling would disappear in short order.
Without right-hand path religion, more people would be in touch with the universe. You would be able to access past lives, and everyone would be able to prove that such exists. Science would catch up with religion, and the two would merge and prove everything accurate. This would prevent another religious scam like Christi-SCAM-ity from coming up during the Age of Sagittarius or the Age of Virgo, because science would prove them wrong and no one would accept the bogus religion.
Without right-hand path religion, we would see fewer people going into foreign countries and raping, killing, or kidnapping children to bring them into such religions. We would see fewer people going to take advantage of wars and disasters to bring them a religious scam. We would see more money in the hands of people, not in the hands of banks that claim to be God's chosen people or into the tops of churches that own most of the wealth today. You would see the end of enslavement. You would see people treated with respect. Homosexuality (and bisexuality, which is actually natural) would exist without "it's the end of the world" fearmongering about it. Women would start being treated with respect. And, racism among people minding their own business (especially the most blatant form, which is moving into a place where a race is indigenous and capturing and enslaving, or destroying them or their culture) would end forever.