For Lurkers and Newbies, "How Are Kingdom Hall Elders Appointed By The Holy Spirit?"

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ziddina

    Still Thinking, you're a hoot!!

    Apparently, the "Lord" was fond of "dark and handsome, with beautiful eyes"....

    (Actually, it sounds like David was a charismatic and attractive sociopath whose personal charm allowed him to get away with murder - literally...)

    And while we're on the subject, if "The Lord" saw David's "heart", then why didn't "The Lord" see the evil that David was capable of, and that he was going to COMMIT such evils later on...?? I thought ol' "The Lord/Jehovah" was master of time and space and could see the future...

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Who gets appointed, and when, has to do with risk-management.

    Risk Factors

    Gain: Does the man in question have money or power, can he manipulated easily, can he be used as a scapegoat, will he and his wife "play along" and do they need him NOW? Yes, then he'll probably magically qualify even if he has no "spiritual" qualifications.

    Loss: Is he poor, likely to stir up the muck, will he tattle, does he stand his ground and is he not easily manipulated? Yes, then he'll probably be overlooked or kept a MS for a long, long time. (This man may become an elderberry at some point but will probably have to move to a new conned-green-nation or wait for someone to die, and a need/space open up, for it to happen.)

  • JustHuman14

    Acrually they are appointed by Booze Jo's really works after a bottle of whiskey!!

  • RottenRiley

    Dear Bubblegum, watch out for the bloke "Ray Publisher", if you're nice he can do his juggling act for you.

    He gave a talk in Atas about three years ago, give or take a month, he's a great speaker but he is a loose cannon of emotional turmoil. He desperately craves attention no matter how he gets it. I am afraid he is going to lose his wife and daughters when he is out'ed. He has a lovely family and he's going to push it all away just to get facetime. Her dad is one of the best and nicest Jehovah's Witness Bible students, he is one in a million, greater than any elder I have ever worked with. He really studies and has the intellect of a top-tier scholar.

    Apostasy is not an option for her or You at this juncture, is it? You have told me Bubblegum, be Ninja, just cut off discussion with him or you will fall into the apostate death pit!

    Rotten Riley

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