Drink more Beer..Eat more KFC..
Admire my awesome new Avatar..LOL!!..
by rebel8 29 Replies latest jw friends
Drink more Beer..Eat more KFC..
Admire my awesome new Avatar..LOL!!..
New Year resolutions for me will be more physical activity engaging myself in a more healthier living lifestyle such as involving diet and exercise.
Perhaps being a bit more receptive to other people into making their lives better as well.
To continue my, so far, successful fade and to help my family to do the same!
just saying!
My hope is that 2015 will be the year of healing for those who have been sexually/mentally abused and accountability for the Watchtower.
I am actually quite far with the religious part of JW so I first thought I would quit JWN (esp. after the new site).
however I decided to become a online (semi)-pokerpro and am aiming for supernova status on pokerstars this year (apart from the money i may gain).
for the rest I try to be with my JW family although I always keep in mind it may be over. I am ahead of that and not sorry ;)
my advise to anyone here: live life to the fullest, live your passion... Just live.
my biggest reward of leaving the cult is that I do not feel sorry about whatever I decide now. People like me or they dont... I do not care because it is THEIR choice. I love my life more then before even though it still sucks at time.
Anyway: a happy new year to eveyone of you guys. May you find peace and rest like I did find without religion. It is my biggest win ever and no gamble on the pokertable can win you that ;)
1. Make just a smidgen of progress in helping my wife to wake up
2. Become a better husband ( I think I'm already a really good father)
3. Lose more than a few lbs
4. Pick up a hobby.
Lose the rest of the weight I packed on after my car accident in May 2013.
End the year with zero debt. Making headway there, too.
Give more.
Feel less sorry for myself for lost opportunities earlier in life because I was in this cult.
Also, I've finally sworn off Facebook and have gotten back to letter writing.
No point in making resolutions. I have no resolve! But, I'm all right with lists. My list is fairly short, includes finishing three current knitting projects, then starting a new one for which I already have the yarn. Also have a sweater to finish, and want to warp my loom so I can do some weaving.
And become queen of the garden this year, unseating the current dictator/emperor. Might happen. Might not.