Can "bad associations spoil useful habits" been included in the "inspired" hand me down because people believe Jesus is associated with that thief? That would be a bad association, wouldn't it?
Was it ever written "with" a thief but changed to "as" a thief?
by N.drew 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
If it is as then it might mean there really was no one seeking when the thief came and the the thief became the only way that the truth about Christ became known. Then it would make sense he came as a thief. But in no way is he LIKE a thief.
charlie brown jr.
Jesus could have No bad Association.................
He's Perfect....
Jesus and Satan hung out for 40 days
(sounded like what many have done.... walked to the desert and got lost..... mushrooms maybe LOL)
"Mushrooms maybe" That sounds like good news! LOL
Daniel will need mushrooms if the Watchtower really rules the resurrection.
charlie brown jr.
He didn't use Mushrooms...............
get it.... LOL
The Lions were too Stoned to eat him.............
except when the Munchies came... they already threw those other idiots in LOL
I forget what I was going to say.
The paraple of the treasure found in the field might be a parable of the thief.
44 “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
If a treasure is in the ground that belongs to you, but you do not know it is there. Someone else finds it, keeps it a secret and offers to buy your field. Because you are not quite awake you sell it. Now the buyer has the treasure. I think that's called stealing.
charlie brown jr.
It's Not Honest!!!
You're right!
and re-hid it
charlie brown jr.
What Happened????
I was following this LOL