"Why send fire and brimstone raining over a city if the goal is to kill the residents?..." Yan Bibiyan, above
Heh, heh... Yan Bibiyan, I've been thinking about that - and "Armageddon" - since those tornadoes ripped thru the Texas/Oklahoma area recently.
Whenever a natural disaster happens, there's always massive property destruction, but very little respective loss of human life.
Which means that if ol' "Jehovah" wants an effective 'kill rate' at "Armageddon", "he'd" better use microbes - a "super-bug", instead of all those dramatic but relatively ineffective natural disasters...
Wouldn't that be anti-climactic?
Hee hee hee hee!!
P.S. After I commented to that effect on another thread, someone mentioned there was already an "armageddon" thread that discusses that aspect of the "destruction"...
I didn't search for very long, but this thread mentions a world-wide plague in its opening post, as one possible form that "Armageddon" might take, in order to have an effective "kill rate"...