weird questions people ask you at the KH?

by Truthexplorer 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DesirousOfChange

    I get an asset check up sometimes...."so, do you still own that house?" " where are you living now? Do you own or rent? How big? Is it a house, condo or trailer?" "Do you still own .....?"

    We've gotten those kind of questions too. It's like they think God will smite us for not attending meetings. I think they are disappointed that God didn't do so. And they are confident that our "worldly", unbaptized kids must be living together with someone -- probably gay -- crackheads -- etc


  • StarTrekAngel

    I had a sister chase me once. I mean it literally. She was not walking behind me or anything. I was walking to the back, towards the exit, at the end of the meeting. She left whomever she was talking to behind and ran after me. My wife had already gone ahead of me, as I was carrying my youngest kid (she was asleep). She stops me on my tracks and asks... (words between parentheses is me thinking)

    Sister: How are you doing today..

    me: All good and you?

    Sister: I was wondering, how is it going with your kids on your home study? (guess she forgot how she was)

    me: (WTF) doing just fine

    Sister: What are you all studying?

    me: (OOOKK??)) We usually study the WT in preparation for Sunday.

    Sister: oh wow, and the kids understand that?

    me: well I am sure they don't understand everything, but as you can see, the comment quite a bit

    I assumed at that point that she was looking for a family to study with since she may have ran out of dummies while going in FS. I never really understood how anyone in their right mind would let someone else educate their kids.

  • Tempest in a Teacup
    Tempest in a Teacup
    Thé country I grew up in... Well, that's part of the greetings among witnesses, especially old timers. It sounds more's thw WORSHIPPING?
  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    'and how's your spirituality'?

    ",,,It was fine until you came along.,,"

  • stuckinarut2

    When you reply and say "I'm doing really well thanks!" , they can't understand it!

    That happy positive response messes with them!

    Witnesses are so used to having a martyrdom, melancholy, "woe is me attitude"....

  • nugget

    JWs are taught to judge and assess each others spirituality even without thinking. The first question you ask visitors to the hall is:

    How long have you been in the truth? i.e. are you an interested person or a witness of long standing

    If you have been in the organisation for a period of time then you may also be questioned about whether you hold any privileges or whether you have pioneered,

    If you have been away from the hall for a period then questions may relate to whether you are getting to meetings ok or whether you have been ill. This helps to establish whether you are spiritually weak or have something serious they can gossip about.

    No one ever asks if they can help you attend by offering practical assistance they just want to know if you are still worthy. When I refused to take my autistic son to meetings because he was self harming in school due to fears about the world ending I was told to find a baby sitter and leave him at home.

    As witnesses we grade one another COs and DOs were fawned over in actives were despised if you are not contributing to the work then you are a potential threat.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    thank god i'm an atheist and escaped that crazy cult 40 years ago.

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