It's beginning to annoy me when people send me text messages and e-mails of this sort. It's even more annoying when it comes from people who I primarily associated with while I was still active, but who I haven't heard a word from since I quit going to meetings a couple months ago.
Most of these people live less than five minutes from me and would be welcome at my house anytime.
Individually and with my family I have spent countless evenings mid-week and on the weekend, formal and informal with these people. I would accept an invitation to coffee, dinner, a bar, anything...and yet, none have come. These people have absolutely no idea why I'm not at the hall, but I am already being shunned by them, aside from a few lazy, distant text messages which directly or indirectly are targeted at encouraging me to go to the Kingdom Hall and have nothing to do with showing me real compassion, love, and friendship.
This was all expected, but it's still painful.